Remarry my wife

Chapter 198 Something Accidental

Chapter 198 Something Accidental (1)

Su Ruo always feels that Xiao Tang has changed a bit recently. I don’t know if it’s nervousness or something. Like now, he would always watch her in a daze, and sometimes she would call him, but he would not respond immediately.

Although he was very kind to her, she felt that every time she looked at him, he was always hesitant to speak, which made her feel uncomfortable.

Su Ruo's pregnancy reaction was very serious. She was just about 4 weeks pregnant and had severe morning sickness. She often vomited just after eating something.

Seeing Su Ruo's pale face and sickly look every time she vomited, Xiao Tang felt worried, but there was nothing she could do, he could only find a nutritionist to give her daily nutrition.

Everyone is suspicious, it's just a matter of severity.

Xiao Tang has been having nightmares recently, the so-called day and night dreams, he always dreams of Su Ruosheng's child, who grows up and looks more and more like Zheng Yuan, Zheng Yuan is a mixed-race child, once the child is born, his eyes are blurred. Just like him, and then he watched Su Ruo and Zheng Yuan take the child's hand and leave him...

Every time I got up, I was covered in cold sweat.

Another quiet night.

Xiao Tang usually likes to sleep with Su Ruo in his arms, and tonight is also a night.

After passionately kissing Su Ruo, Xiao Tang suppressed his desire and went to the bathroom to take a cold shower, then lay back on the bed, hugging Su Ruo to sleep.

Su Ruo sleeps very well, and falls asleep soon after lying down.

Xiao Tang also tossed and turned for a long time before slowly falling asleep. He hadn't made out with a woman for too long. He felt that he was going to be suffocated. Like Su Ruo, he was looking forward to the first few months. Of course, he and Su Ruo are like this The purpose is different.

In the middle of the night, he had another nightmare, dreaming that he and Zheng Yuan had a big fight, as if in the hotel a month ago, the two were fighting hard.

He never thought that he was also waving his hand in reality, and hit Su Ruo who was sleeping beside him. He got up in fright when he heard Su Ruo's wailing, and turned on the bedside lamp.

(End of this chapter)

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