Remarry my wife

Chapter 199 Something Accidental

Chapter 199 Something Accidental (2)

When he saw Su Ruo hugging his stomach and whining, his face pale with sweat, Xiao Tang was startled. Fortunately, he reacted quickly. He quickly pressed the internal line next to him, and hurriedly called the butler to prepare the car. go to the hospital.

"Ruoruo, what's the matter?" Xiao Tang looked at Su Ruo who was in pain like this, he was really panicked, usually he was calm and calm, but now whenever he encountered something related to Su Ruo, he would easily lose my mind.

" hurts..." Su Ruo hugged her stomach tightly and groaned. Xiao Tang punched her in the stomach just now, and she almost fainted from the pain.

"Honey, don't scare me, I..." Xiao Tang got up quickly, looking for clothes for Su Ruo, with sweat streaming down his forehead, he hurriedly put the clothes on Su Ruo's body, and then carefully He picked up Su Ruo and rushed outside quickly.

Xiao Tang's sweat dripped onto Su Ruo who was in his arms, and when he stepped out of the room, he saw the butler rushing over, and then ran to the car protecting Xiao Tang...

Outside the door of the operating room, Xiao Tang was walking up and down the aisle with a pale face, watching the operating light keep on, his heart was clenched tightly.

At this moment, he really hated himself. If something happened to Su Ruo and the child, wouldn't he be a murderer?Why is he so careless, he can't even tell the difference between dreams and reality!

"Master, don't worry, young mistress and young master are definitely fine." The butler watched Xiao Tang walking around, feeling dizzy.

Xiao Tang frowned tightly, and asked after a while: "How do you say Madam is pregnant with Young Master?"

The housekeeper is a man in his 40s, with profound qualifications: "Don't everyone say sour men and hot women? You see, Madam loves sour food so much, she must be a young master, and the young master will definitely be fine. Worried!"

After hearing this, Xiao Tang still frowned. Is there any basis for this?He likes it no matter if it's a boy or a girl, as long as it's his and Su Ruo's child!
Suddenly thinking of this, what Lin Xiaer said came to his mind again. Although almost half a month later, he told himself not to think about it, but now he suddenly had an idea,
(End of this chapter)

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