Remarry my wife

Chapter 200 Something Accidental

Chapter 200 Something Accidental (3)

If Su Ruo is gone now, it may not be a bad thing. First, the doctor said that Su Ruo's current body is a bit dangerous to conceive a child. Second, the most important thing is that he can have another pregnancy with Su Ruo, so that he will never have to worry about it. The child will be Zheng Yuan's. After all, Lin Xiaer's words have been deeply buried in Xiao Tang's mind. No matter how he tries to convince himself that Lin Xiaer lied to him, he always has that feeling in his heart. pimple.

Xiao Tang thought about this, he looked at the operating light, and now he relaxed a little, as long as Su Ruo is safe now, he can not have the child, and he can conceive again when the child is gone, he and Su Ruo are still so young, wait for Su Ruo to be safe. If he recuperates well, they can start all over again, and he can also get rid of that nightmare completely, wouldn't it be great!

Seeing that Xiao Tang's face was not as anxious as before, the housekeeper thought that his persuasion was effective, he was a little proud, and asked after a while: "Master, do you want to inform the Su family about Madam's affairs?"

"No, if you don't want to see the Su family, don't see each other." Xiao Tang didn't even have to think about it. He had heard a little about Su Ruo's attitude towards Su's family before. After the happy things, since Xiao Tang fell in love with Su Ruo, he didn't let Su's family come to see Su Ruo, some couldn't shirk it, he always cooperated with Su Ruo, let her pretend to sleep or something!

"Yes, master!" Seeing Xiao Tang frowning again, the butler realized that he had said something wrong, and hurriedly stepped aside.

After waiting for another half an hour, the operating light went out and the doctor came out.

Xiao Tang hurried up.

The hospital took over the mask, with a slight smile on his tired face: "Mr. Xiao, fortunately, you brought your wife here in time. Now your wife and child will not be out of danger. They are still in a coma. They should go to bed tomorrow morning." Will wake up, be careful next time, not always so lucky."

The doctor left after speaking.

Xiao Tang stood where he was, frowning, unable to tell if he was happy or what?In an extremely complicated mood, the child is still there, what else can he do? Now he is thinking again if the child is really him and Su Ruo, it would be a pity not to lose it. Thinking of this, he feels a little excited, Thank God, if Su Ruo is fine now, the stone on his heart will also fall off.

Seeing the doctor pushed Su Ruo out, Xiao Tang hurriedly followed...

PS: This is the end of today's update.There is a problem with the Tencent system today, and I don’t know if it has affected everyone. It is best if it does not affect it.

(End of this chapter)

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