Remarry my wife

Chapter 222 Photo Leakage

Chapter 222 Photo Leakage (1)

The company's affairs are handled very quickly. He has a group of capable men. The housekeeper has already started to take care of the problems on the island. When all the food on the island is delivered, he can take Su Ruo to the island. From now on, he can go to the island every day Accompany her to watch the sunrise and sunset, watch the ebb and flow of the tide, the world of only the two of them, he knows that the birth of the child will definitely absorb too much energy from Su Ruo, and it will be a bit difficult to live a world of two, so He must take advantage of this opportunity now.

in the study.

Xiao Tang was busy with the things at hand while listening to the butler's report.

"Master, how many doctors and nurses do you want to bring?" the housekeeper asked while reporting, keeping things in his hands. It's really hard to be the housekeeper of a rich family, and there are too many things to do.

"At a high salary, the authoritative experts and nurses in the central hospital will be hired, no less than 10, and all the medical institutions in use will be transported there together, and it will take more than half a year to live there." Xiao Tang answered while busy For the things above him, he has become accustomed to the working mode of multitasking, otherwise he would be crushed to death with so many tasks.

"Okay, are the children's things bought on the island now or at Xiao's house?" the butler asked while taking notes.

"At Xiao's house, after the child is born, he will go back to Xiao's house for confinement." Speaking of these things, Xiao Tang was not bothered, and answered them one by one. It took more than an hour for the two of them to ask and answer.

After the housekeeper went out, Xiao Tang stretched his waist. He hasn't been exhausted recently. He used it for 3 days in 3 months. He has a sore back and back pain from work. Being a man is also very tiring!
But thinking of Su Ruo's hard work in pregnancy in October, he felt that it was worth it when he was so tired. When the time comes, he will go to the world of two, and he can do whatever he wants, how cool it is!
The butler brought himself a cup of coffee, Xiao Tang stopped the butler who was about to go out: "What are young mistresses doing now?"

"Madam is sleeping and hasn't woken up yet," the butler replied.

Xiao Tang nodded and asked the butler to go out. This little girl really spends a lot of time sleeping, but sleeping will make him feel at ease, so what if he falls down while walking around!
The picture of Su Ruo smiling like a flower appeared in his mind, he thought about it, and then devoted himself to his work...

(End of this chapter)

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