Remarry my wife

Chapter 223 Photo Leakage

Chapter 223 Photo Leakage (2)

I don't know how long it took before the internal line rang.

"Master, the second son of the Zheng family called and said he wanted to talk to Madam." The butler's voice came over.

Xiao Tang frowned. Hearing the name of the second son of the Zheng family, his good mood immediately became dark clouds. What he hates most now is hearing all the relevant information about Zheng Yuan and the Zheng family, which will make him feel angry Humiliated again.

"Tell him that Madam is resting, and he will not answer any calls from now on." Xiao Tang said in a cold voice.

"Yes, master." The inside line was switched off.

Xiao Tang sat on the leather chair, looked at the things on the table in a daze, in a good mood, because Zheng Yuan's call made him feel uncomfortable, now he will never let Su Ruo and Zheng Yuan have a chance to meet again , Zheng Yuan wants to get Su Ruo, but there is no way!

When sleeping at night, Xiao Tang holds Su Ruo in his arms and talks to her about the island.

"We can set off the day after tomorrow. Then we can go ride the waves and watch the sunrise together. It's very beautiful over there." Xiao Tang said softly.

"Then what if I miss Xiaoyan and the others?" Although going to the island is quiet, she will miss her sisters.

"It's very simple. As long as they are free, the helicopter will bring them here at any time. Can't we meet then?" Xiao Tang pampered Su Ruo's head.

If Su Ruo is such a clean person, he will let her go on in such a spotless manner.

Su Ruo smiled, snuggled into Xiao Tang's arms, closed her eyes, tonight will be another good dream...

Early the next morning, Xiao Tang was hurriedly woken up by his subordinates.

Seeing that Ahao came to look for him with such a face of imminent disaster, he hurriedly got up and went to the study.

"Master, today's newspaper... read it for yourself!" Ah Hao's brows were tightly frowned, he was a little afraid of Xiao Tang's frantic expression after seeing the newspaper.

Seeing Ah Hao's appearance, when Xiao Tong took the newspaper, his eyelids twitched. When he opened the newspaper, he was stunned.

The intimate photos of Su Ruo and Zheng Yuan when they were in the hotel appeared on the newspaper like this, although the photos mosaiced the parts that should not be exposed,

(End of this chapter)

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