Remarry my wife

Chapter 224 She Knows

Chapter 224 She Knows (1)

The door opened, and Su Ruo appeared at the door in a green dress.

"What's the matter?" Seeing that the anger on Xiao Tang's face still remained, Su Ruo asked curiously.

Xiao Tang turned his body slightly to restore his expression to normal. He thought it was the housekeeper or Ah Hao who came looking for him, but unexpectedly it was Su Ruo. This was the first time Su Ruo came to the study to look for him since she came back.

"It's nothing, a merchant made me angry just now, and it's all right now." Xiao Tang returned to normal, and then smiled.

"What's on the ground?" Looking at the fragments on the ground, Su Ruo walked over curiously.

"I just vented when I was angry. It's nothing. I'll ask someone to clean it up." Seeing Su Ruo bent down to pick it up, he hurriedly supported her, and then circled her: "What's the matter with me? Let's go to the room and talk. It's smoky in here."

"Well, good." There was a smell of cigars mixed with coffee in the study room, which was really not very pleasant.

Xiao Tang took Su Ruo's hand and walked out.

When the two came to the room, Xiao Tang turned around and asked Su Ruo, "What's wrong?"

"I'm going to the island tomorrow. I want to go out and see what I should buy." Su Ruo said softly. She hasn't gone out for a long time and wants to go out for a stroll. The shopping experience was very good.

"Alright, I'll take you out." Seeing that Su Ruo seldom made a request to him, how could Xiao Tang refuse to agree, but if he had known the following things would happen, he would never have taken Su Ruo out.

"I'm going to freshen up, you wait for me." He woke up in a hurry in the morning, he didn't even wash his face, and rubbed his chin, the beard stubble had grown a lot.

Su Ruo nodded, and watched Xiao Tang quickly go to the bathroom...

The weather is very good today, the autumn is high and the air is crisp. Although the sun is a bit bright, the wind is very comfortable when walking on the road.

Su Ruo was wearing a light green dress, her hair was pulled up high in a bun, she was mature and pretty.

Xiao Tang was dressed in a beige top and jeans, neat and tidy, and his handsome appearance was still the same as last time, attracting many girls to turn their heads back frequently.

This time Su Ruo was no longer as cautious as last time, when the two of them were walking in the busy market, whenever they saw something new, she would drag Xiao Tang up to have a look.

(End of this chapter)

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