Remarry my wife

Chapter 229 Lost and Gained

Chapter 229 Lost and Gained (3)

The man in front of him is crueler than everyone else, and he is definitely not less tender than others. He stands on both sides of the extreme. If Su Ruo leads him into tenderness, then their lives will be happy. For the first time, she saw the happiness she wanted in his eyes, and it was also the first time she wanted to start a new life with him.

Xiao Tang's face slowly leaned towards Su Ruo, he kissed away the remaining tears hanging from the corners of Su Ruo's eyes with pity, and then kissed from the eyes to the delicate lips, the two lips pressed together, passionately, the two They were all caught in this tenderness, kissing so hard...

After the passion, Su Ruo was in a daze. She didn't know how she got back to Xiao's house. She just felt tired and wanted to take a rest. After she opened her eyes, she was already in the magnificent Xiao's house.

In a blink of an eye, they were all the decorations she was most familiar with. She felt a little more secure in her heart, but she didn't see Xiao Tang, and she felt a little disappointed in her heart. She originally thought that Xiao Tang would dislike her dirty body, but now Xiao Tang's behavior in the car had completely told him about his attitude, which moved her very much.

Su Ruo heard the sound of the door opening, she stood up slightly, and saw Xiao Tang and a middle-aged man walking in.

"Wife, are you awake?" Seeing Su Ruo waking up, Xiao Tang quickly stepped forward with worry on his face. After returning from the outside that day, Su Ruo slept for 2 days and 1 night without scaring him. , he invited a lot of doctors over.

"Mr. Xiao, let me check." It turned out that the middle-aged man next to him was an expert doctor.

Xiao Tang hurriedly gave Su Ruo a comforting smile, and then moved aside to let the doctor examine Su Ruo.

After half a quarter of an hour, the doctor shook his head at Xiao Tang after the examination.

Xiao Tang's heart immediately lifted.

Seeing Xiao Tang's nervous look, the doctor smiled: "Don't be nervous, your lady is fine, everything is fine with the fetus, remember not to be overjoyed and sad, the body of a pregnant woman is inherently weaker than usual, so it is even more important to keep healthy Mentality, go out more, get in touch with nature, and you will feel happier, which is good for pregnant women and fetuses."

Xiao Tang breathed a sigh of relief, this damned expert shook his head just now and thought that something serious had happened, which scared him into a cold sweat, he was really overjoyed and saddened.

(End of this chapter)

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