Remarry my wife

Chapter 230 Lost and Gained

Chapter 230 Lost and Gained (4)

After talking about some precautions, Xiao Tang asked the housekeeper to send the doctor away, and only then did he have a chance to chat with Su Ruo.

"Honey, it's fine, everything is healthy." Xiao Tang smiled handsomely, sat next to Su Ruo, and said while stroking her belly.

"Did I sleep for a long time?" Seeing that a doctor was invited, Su Ruo felt that the situation was a bit serious.

"You little villain, you didn't scare your husband to death. You slept for 2 days and 1 night. If you don't wake up, I will kill all those doctors." Xiao Tang still feels scared. After a night, He couldn't wake up Su Ruo no matter what, that feeling was really very scary, a lover had an accident in front of him, and his heart seemed to be lost along with it, that feeling was really very scary!
"Why so violent?" Su Ruo smiled.

"I will lose control of everything about you. For the sake of innocent lives, don't let anything happen to you, or your husband will really go crazy." Xiao Tang kissed Su Ruo's forehead, feeling like he had lost it and found it again. The stone was put down, and it was easy at once.

"Are you going to the island today?" Su Ruo remembered this.

Xiao Tang nodded, and then motioned Su Ruo to look at the night outside: "It's better to wait until you are almost in good health, after all, it is much easier to find a doctor here, and the medical equipment is also much more complete."

"I feel a lot more relaxed after this sleep." Su Ruo touched her chest and said, although the matter of the photo was a big blow to her, she also really felt Xiao Tang's love in it. Yes, she also saw a lot.

"That's good, I'm relieved if you do this." Xiao Tang smiled.

Su Ruo saw the forced expression on Xiao Tang's face, and she stretched out her hand to touch Xiao Tang's face: "Did you not sleep all night yesterday?"

Xiao Tang smiled, then nodded slightly, Su Ruo is unconscious, why is he caught, now Su Ruo is in a good state of mind, once the stone in his heart is lifted, his whole body seems to be drained of strength Generally, a whole body of fatigue.

"Rest now, I really have nothing to do." Su Ruo was about to get out of bed.

"Honey, lie down with me for a while, okay?" Xiao Tang pressed Su Ruo.

(End of this chapter)

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