Remarry my wife

Chapter 237 The Girl With Amnesia

Chapter 237 The Girl With Amnesia (1)

Seeing that Su Ruo had closed her eyes and fell asleep, Xiao Tang had no choice but to rush into the bathroom and take a cold shower to suppress her desire.

Man, what a pity, looking at the meat right in front of your mouth, but not being able to eat it, nothing is more sad than this.

After taking a shower, Qiqi Ai went back to bed, hugged Su Ruo and fell asleep...

Early the next morning, he heard a knock on the door, Xiao Tang opened his eyes a little dissatisfied, last night he was kept up all night by the fire of desire, and now someone came to bother him early in the morning, and the fire started.

"Master..." came the voice of the servant outside.

Xiao Tang had no choice but to get up, put on his pajamas and went to open the door.

He glared at the servant in front of him.

The servant who was a little anxious was scratched by Xiao Tang's eyes, he only felt a burst of chills, and he didn't even dare to make a sound with his open mouth.

"What's the matter, you yelled so early in the morning?" Xiao Tang asked with a frown, if it wasn't for the fact that someone had to clean and cook the villa, or he didn't want these servants to come together and disturb his and his wife's second life. people world.

"Young Master, something happened outside." The servant stammered a little.

"What happened?" Su Ruo didn't know when she woke up, she walked behind Xiao Tang and asked.

"There was an accident on a boat near the island last night, and now there is a girl unconscious on the beach, master, how should we deal with this matter?" Seeing the kindness on Madam's face, the servant suppressed Xiao Tang's provocation. frightened.

"Then go and have a look." Su Ruo hurriedly pushed Xiao Tang when she heard about the matter of life and death.

"Go and deal with it first, my wife and I will be here soon." Xiao Tang sent the servant away.

Su Ruo was going to go with the servant, but was held back by Xiao Tang.

"Honey, let's go, what are you waiting for?" Su Ruo frowned.

"The maid will take care of it. You just go out like this. It's still windy and raining outside. What should you do if you catch a cold?" Xiao Tang blamed slightly. Su Ruo was wearing a thin nightgown. Life and death has nothing to do with him, there are many accidents in this world every day, if he takes care of everyone, it will be fine!
"But outside..."

(End of this chapter)

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