Remarry my wife

Chapter 238 The Girl With Amnesia

Chapter 238 The Girl With Amnesia (2)

Just as Su Ruo was about to say something, Xiao Tang dragged her into the room, then went to the dressing room to get a coat for her to put on, and then tidied herself up slowly without rushing, then took Su Ruo's hand and went out.

The servant had already carried the girl who had the accident into the living room, and the accompanying doctor had already begun to rescue her.

Su Ruo frowned, standing beside Xiao Tang, watching the doctor give first aid.

Looking at it like this, it can be seen that the girl is a beauty, with a pale and crystal clear face, a raised nose, and a small mouth. She should not be very old, she is wearing a skirt, and she is unconscious.

"Is she okay?" Su Ruo asked worriedly.

Xiao Tang just raised his eyebrows, his face expressionless. It was because of this girl who suddenly appeared early in the morning that he broke his dream. Really, life and death depend on God's will. He has asked someone to save her, can you To live depends on her own creation.

The doctor gave the girl artificial respiration, and the girl finally regained consciousness. She coughed violently and spit water from her mouth.

"Wake up." The servant beside him said happily.

Su Ruo also smiled, but luckily nothing happened.

Xiao Tang's expression didn't even change. He didn't like outsiders intruding into his private place like this. After the girl woke up, he asked someone to send her away to avoid trouble.

After the girl vomited a lot of water, she slowly opened her big eyes. When she saw so many people around her, she moved back in horror.

Seeing the girl's terrified look, Su Ruo took the blanket from the servant, and then walked towards her with a kind smile on her face. Sitting on the sofa, she put the blanket on her body, and said softly: " Don't be afraid, we are not bad people."

"Who are you?" The girl's big eyes were full of horror, she tightly grasped the blanket that Su Ruo handed her, she was freezing to death now.

"We are residents of this island, I am the hostess here, and this is my husband." Su Ruo introduced with a smile, and then pointed to Xiao Tang who was expressionless. Seeing that Xiao Tang's expression was not very good, she Hastily said: "My husband has such an expression, don't be surprised."

(End of this chapter)

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