Remarry my wife

Chapter 24 The Celebration Banquet Mutation

Chapter 24 The Celebration Banquet Mutation (2)

"Ruoruo, you really have a hand!" Chen Xiaoyan gave Su Ruo a thumbs up.

"You guys don't know how beautiful Ruoruo is on the stage today, that kind of picture is so beautiful, Ruoruo, are you ready to develop into the show business circle, you will definitely become famous as soon as you debut." Xu Ningning talked about today's situation, and said When Xiao was turbulent, she had a look of contempt on her face, and she looked down on this kind of flirtatiousness the most.

Su Ruo just smiled and shook her head, she didn't have much interest in showbiz.

"Good stuff, we have to celebrate tonight." Yang Xue patted the piano and said to everyone.

This got everyone's unanimous nod, and the location was still at Chen Xiaoyan's nightclub.

in the box.

When one is excited, one tends to drink too much, especially now that Chen Xiaoyan and the three of them are feeding Su Ruo together, Su Ruo is so drunk that even his speech is a little knotted, the other three are similar, all of them are full of red, and they are extremely enchanting.

Chen Xiaoyan called a few big-name cowherds in the store over, and the atmosphere became even more high.

The explosive dance music played in the box, and several people danced wildly.

Once Su Ruo drank too much, she let go very much. She climbed onto the coffee table, and under the rendering of the dance floor, she twisted her body to her heart's content. Others kept booing her. She jumped more and more excited, her slender waist was like a Twirling like a spirit snake, every time a smile or a frown makes the people below fall over, everyone's cheers become more intense.

The colorful revolving lights on the ceiling make the whole box full of dreamy colors...

With a bang, the door of the box was pushed open violently, breaking the dreamy beauty all of a sudden.

Xiao Tang looked at the smoky box, the dancing music was ringing in his ears, and the smell of wine was in his nostrils. He immediately saw the conspicuous woman in a tight red dress standing on the coffee table, who was twisting her enchanting body to the fullest. body, sexy square thing.

Xiao Tang and his subordinates pushed the door open and came in. A few very drunk people who hadn't drunk all realized it. Just as they were about to speak, Xiao Tang walked in quickly, embraced the woman at the coffee table, and held She carried her whole body on her shoulders and left without looking back.

(End of this chapter)

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