Chapter 25

Su Ruo was taken away in front of everyone like this, and just as they were about to chase, Xiao Tang's subordinates surrounded the gate, and Chen Xiaoyan and the others woke up and came in, she hurriedly found a button to call the waiter and bodyguards!

Su Ruo was carried on her shoulders, she was a little dazed, hanging upside down like this made her very uncomfortable, her stomach was rolling, she struggled to get down, but Xiao Tang signaled her not to move.

Xiao Tang carried a woman in front of everyone's door in such a majestic manner. Although everyone was surprised, but under the pressure of Xiao Tang's momentum, no one dared to step forward to say a word, and just watched him leave the tripod with the woman. level nightclub.

As soon as he got out of the nightclub, he threw Su Ruo into his car, then he got into the driver's seat and left quickly...

When Chen Xiaoyan and the others chased him out, they didn't see Xiao Tang's shadow anywhere, and everyone didn't know what to do.

Xiao family.

It was so late, the young master came back with the young mistress on his shoulders, and the servants of Xiao's family got busy.

Xiao Tang directly carried Su Ruo upstairs to the bedroom, the damned woman vomited in his car just now, she didn't disgust him, she asked him who he was with a silly smile, so drunk He didn't know how much wine he drank, but fortunately he was very quiet after vomiting, otherwise he thought he would throw her out of the car on impulse.

After entering the room, he walked directly to the amazingly large bathroom. The servant had already put the water in the bathtub, and he specifically ordered to put cold water.

Without blinking her eyes, she threw Su Ruo into the bathing pool which was half the size of a swimming pool, only to hear a splash, and the water splashed one by one.

Su Ruo drank too much, she had no strength at all, and was thrown into the bath, she just blinked her eyes, and then sank into the bath.

"Shit!" Xiao Tang swears, looking at the woman who is about to sink to the bottom and drowned alive, he jumps in and pulls Su Ruo up.

As soon as Su Ruo was pulled up, she spit out several water, her little face turned pale, and she struggled to open her eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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