Remarry my wife

Chapter 243 She is a killer

Chapter 243 She is a killer (1)

"Why?" Hearing Xiao Tang's voice, the girl got up from the bed, and she looked at Xiao Tang innocently with wide eyes.

Xiao Tang frowned and looked at the girl who was only about 20 years old in front of him. No matter how he saw this girl, he was so upset.

"Girl, come down quickly!" Xiaofeng said anxiously, seeing the girl's innocent big eyes, he was worried about her.

"Didn't you tell me to rest? Can't I sleep here? I really like this room, it's so big and soft, it makes me feel like a princess." The girl looked excitedly at the pink lace in front of her eyes. , how beautiful and dreamy!

"I asked you to rest, not to let you rest here, come down to me immediately, don't make me angry." Xiao Tang was really upset to see the girl who didn't know what to do, that was his love bed.

"You..." Seeing Xiao Tang attacking herself, the girl's big eyes began to fill with tears.

"Okay, okay, just come down, Xiaofeng, you take this girl to the guest room." Seeing that Xiao Tang was about to get angry, Su Ruo hurried up to smooth things over, seeing the girl's innocent appearance, it is really impossible to blame , People with amnesia are pure in nature!should be.

"Girl, come down quickly." Xiaofeng hurriedly stretched out his hand to the girl.

The girl climbed down, although she was extremely reluctant.

"Take it out, don't let me see it again." Xiao Xuan said coldly.

Xiaofeng hurriedly grabbed the girl's hand and walked out.

The girl looked at the big bed reluctantly, and when she passed by Su Ruo and Xiao Tang, she stopped suddenly, took out a chain from her neck, and said: "There is a word Ming on the chain, from now on you will call me Xiaoming." Bar!"

"Okay, Xiaoming, hurry up and change your clothes, I'm going to catch a cold later." Su Ruo smiled and said softly.

Xiao Ming glanced at Su Ruo a few more times, then turned to look at Xiao Tang who ignored her, she nodded obediently: "I'm sorry, I didn't know this was your room, I just never saw it before. Such a beautiful room, I have never seen such a beautiful big bed."

"It's okay, let's go!" Su Ruo shook her head and said with a smile.

"Thank you for saving me, young master, please don't be angry, I didn't do it on purpose." Xiao Ming stretched out her hand, trying to grab Xiao Tang and apologize.

(End of this chapter)

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