Remarry my wife

Chapter 244 She is a killer

Chapter 244 She is a killer (2)

As soon as Xiao Ming's hand touched Xiao Tang's arm, Xiao Tang waved it away with a look of disgust. He hated women touching him casually.

Being waved away, Xiao Ming looked aggrieved, and then followed Xiao Feng with tears in her eyes.

Su Ruo took everything seriously, and after everyone left, Su Ruo looked at Xiao Tang: "Honey, you were too unmannered just now."

Xiao Tang raised his eyebrows, then stretched out his arms to hug Su Ruo, and smiled handsomely at her: "Isn't it enough to be nice to you? Wife, can you teach me how to play the piano?"

"Okay, it just happens to be good for prenatal education." Su Ruo nodded: "But it's settled, there is only one girl named Xiaoming on this island, you have to show a little demeanor and don't scare her little girl. "

"Understood, my kind-hearted wife." Xiao Tang shook his head helplessly. His wife is really kind-hearted. He was really afraid that she would suffer from this in the future. Fortunately, she has him. He will never let others bully her.

"Just know I'm fine." Su Ruo smiled, and then walked to the piano.

"My wife is not only good, she is also a beautiful woman with many talents." Xiao Tang followed, never forgetting to exaggerate Su Ruo behind him, and praised Su Ruo until his heart was full of joy.

Not far from the room, Xiao Ming heard a distant sound of the piano behind her, and she stopped in her tracks.

"This must be Madam playing the piano. It sounds good. Madam plays the piano very well. Everyone loves to listen to it." Xiaofeng said proudly.

Xiao Ming snorted lightly and said in a low voice, "I will too."

"Xiao Ming, what did you say?" Xiao Ming said in a low voice, Xiaofeng couldn't hear clearly.

"It's nothing, I said it sounds good." Xiao Ming smiled, showing a pure smile.

"Enen, Xiaoming, are you 20 years old yet? You look so young." Xiaofeng asked while walking.

"I do not know."

"Oh, that's right, I forgot that you lost your memory again, I'm really sorry." Xiaofeng patted his forehead, then stopped in front of a guest room, and helped Xiaoming push the room away, he smiled all over his face Simple: "Look, it's beautiful. Although it's not as beautiful as the master bedroom, it's still very beautiful!"

(End of this chapter)

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