Remarry my wife

Chapter 251 Xiangyang Xiangming

Chapter 251 Xiangyang Xiangming (1)

The servant carried the man into the living room, maybe the light in the living room woke him up, and after a while, the man woke up faintly.

Seeing the man's dark phoenix eyes, Su Ruo was slightly stunned. She had never seen a man's eyes so beautiful. The tails were raised and the eyes contained peach blossoms. There was an indescribable charm that made people People can't help being attracted.

Seeing that everyone in the living room was looking at the man's pretty face, Xiao Tang coughed lightly a few times, and seeing Su Ruo was also slightly stunned, he felt very upset, shit!With such a handsome face, why not just be buried in the sea, and come here to seduce the world!

Su Ruo recovered, she smiled a little embarrassedly, and then said to the man: "Are you okay?"

The man raised Weiwei and looked at Su Ruo who was looking down on him with confused eyes, he was slightly stunned, then shook his head with cold eyes.

"It's fine if he doesn't die. Take him to the guest room to rest, and send him back to the mainland together when the weather clears." Xiao Tang just didn't like the handsome man in front of him. The so-called same-sex repulsion, the man's handsomeness made him There is a sense of pressure. Although he is very confident in himself, he always has a sense of crisis.

"Where am I?" The man just glanced at Xiao Tang slightly, then turned his eyes to Su Ruo and asked.

"You are on a private island. When the weather clears, I will take you back to the main road." Su Ruo smiled, and then introduced: "My name is Su Ruo, this is my husband Xiao Tang, what's your name ?”

"My name is..." The man was slightly taken aback, but did not continue.

"Don't tell me, you also lost your memory, don't do these tricks, it's annoying." Seeing the man thinking deeply, Xiao Tang felt that something was wrong.

"My name is Xiangyang, I feel a little dull, I'm sorry." The man smiled, and the frost on his face melted a lot.

"Good name, hehe..." Su Ruo smiled.

Xiang Yang was about to say something, but when he saw the figure of the girl at the corner of the stairs, he quickly got off the sofa and called out: "Xiang Ming!"

Hidden in a corner to Ming, his face was very ugly, but after being discovered, he had to adjust his mood and come out.

(End of this chapter)

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