Remarry my wife

Chapter 252 Xiangyang Xiangming

Chapter 252 Xiangyang Xiangming (2)

"Xiang Ming, it's really you, thank God you're fine!" Xiang Yang quickly ran towards Xiang Ming with excitement on his face.

"Who are you?" Xiang Ming opened his eyes wide with curiosity.

Xiang Yang was stunned when he saw Xiang Ming's reaction, he grabbed Xiang Ming's arm and said, "I am your elder brother Xiang Yang, and you are my younger sister Xiang Ming."

"You are my elder brother? My name is Xiang Ming?" Xiang Ming had a look of disbelief.

"Sister, what's wrong with you?" Xiang Yang was at a loss.
"I found Xiaoming on the beach yesterday morning, and the doctor said that she hit her head on the rock and lost her memory." Su Ruo helped to answer.

"Sister, as long as you're fine, you'll recover after losing your memory. That's great, otherwise I really don't know what to do?" Xiang Yang hugged Xiang Ming, his eyes a little red.

But Xiang Ming just stood there dumbly, letting Xiang Yang hold her, not knowing how to react.

Seeing the scene where the brothers and sisters reunited, everyone was a little moved, Su Ruo's eyes turned slightly red.

"Yesterday it was your sister, today it is you, tomorrow it won't be your mother, the day after tomorrow it will be your father who was pushed to the island." Xiao Tang said coldly, seeing the scene in front of him only felt disgusted.

"Our parents passed away a long time ago. My sister and I depended on each other for life. Xiaoming loves the sea. It's rare to save enough money this time. I took Xiaoming out for a trip. I didn't expect such a thing to happen." Xiangyang's voice was a little choked up.

"You two brothers and sisters really don't look alike." Xiao Tang didn't feel moved at all, instead he was wary of the two in front of him.

"We are half brothers and sisters." Xiang Yang replied, although Xiao Tang's tone was a bit harsh, but he didn't say anything, and the excitement on his handsome face hadn't dissipated yet.

"Since everything is fine, you should hurry up and change your clothes. Xiao Ming's amnesia cannot be rushed, and you two can communicate slowly later." Su Ruo said softly, her voice was also slightly choked, women are so sentimental , This picture of brother and sister recognizing each other moved her deeply.

"Thank you for saving me and my sister." With gratitude on his face, Xiang Yang held Xiang Ming in his hand and bowed three times to Su Ruo and Xiao Tang.

"It's just a little effort, don't do this." Su Ruo was a little embarrassed.

(End of this chapter)

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