Remarry my wife

Chapter 258 Heartache like a twist

Chapter 258 Heartache like a twist (2)

"My younger sister loves Xiao Tang very much. She threatened her with death, so I had to bring her here. It was supposed to be a final decision. I heard from my sister that Xiao Tang came to her last night and wanted her to continue to be his lover. To solve his psychological needs, I am really hot now. I didn’t want to make things big, and I didn’t want to make you sad. After all, it’s too shameful to destroy other people’s families. My sister is dead, otherwise I wouldn't really bring her here, but what Xiao Tang has done is too much!"

The more Xiang Yang talked, the more excited he became, while Su Ruo who was at the side felt more and more cold when he heard it.

"Miss Su, I want to ask you how to deal with this matter. When I was taking a shower just now, when I came out, I found that your husband took my sister away. I want to ask what is the purpose of this? My sister is only 20 years old. Come on, isn't this trying to ruin my sister's life?" Xiang Yang lost control after speaking, his face turning blue and turning pale.

"Mr. Xiang, did you make a mistake?" Su Ruo's face became very pale. She knew that Xiao Tang was very fickle in the past, and she might have had a relationship with Xiang Ming, but she believed that the current Xiao Tang was definitely not. He would ask Xiang Ming to be a lover or something. He said he only loved her, and she believed it.

"I also hope that I made a mistake, but now Xiao Tang is in the study with my sister, and I have knocked on the door for a long time, but the door won't open. What do you think is going on?" with anger.

Su Ruo's face was slightly flustered. This happened so suddenly that she was not mentally prepared at all. She didn't know how to think about it now. The first feeling in her heart was, did this man betray him again? Did she?

"I didn't want to hurt your family, but I really don't want my sister to be in a quagmire in the future. Please go and have a look with me." Xiang Yang got up.

Su Ruo also got up slowly, she has never been so nervous like this moment, this thing can't be true, definitely can't be true!

Xiao Tang just might have something to tell Xiang Ming, how could he betray her?When Xiang Ming first came, although Xiao Tang had a bad attitude, he didn't show such an ambiguous feeling. Could it be that Xiao Tang was hiding too deeply? ? ?
(End of this chapter)

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