Remarry my wife

Chapter 259 Heartache like a twist

Chapter 259 Heartache like a twist (3)

"I think seeing is believing, let's go and have a look, I hope it's not what I think." Xiang Yang shook his head helplessly.

Su Ruo bit her lower lip tightly, she felt a little pain in her stomach, holding her stomach down, she pressed one hand on the coffee table, her face was in pain.

"What's wrong with you?" Seeing Su Ruo clutching his stomach in pain, Xiang Yang asked with a frown.

"My stomach hurts a little." Su Ruo gritted her teeth, said two words with difficulty, and then sat back in the chair.

"Do you want to call a doctor?"
Su Ruo shook her head, her stomach hurts only when she is stimulated for a while, she needs to adjust her mentality.

Seeing Su Ruo sitting with gritted teeth, Xiang Yang stood aside frowning, not knowing what to do!

On the other side of the study, a thrilling event was also taking place.

After Xiao Tang drank the tea brought by his servant, he found that his whole body was suddenly weak. He knew that there were ingredients in the tea, and just as he was about to call for someone, a figure quickly flashed into the room, and then quickly smashed the inside line. on the ground.

Xiao Tang raised his head with difficulty, and when he saw the sneering woman in front of him, he yelled in his heart that it was not good, and he really thought well of him.

"You... who are you?" Xiao Tang opened his mouth several times before making a sound with difficulty.

"You don't need to know who I am, you just need to know that I use money to help people avoid disasters." Xiang Ming showed a smug smile on his face, Xiao Tang was just like that, and he still fell for her way.

"Zheng...Yuan..." Xiao Tang spat out these two words in pain.

" will lose the ability to speak later, it will be fine after the medicine wears off, now I want you to play a scene with me!" Xiang Ming stretched out his hand, raised Xiao Tang's head, and looked at the handsome face in front of him , Even people like her feel the heartbeat. Xiangyang is very handsome, but she doesn't like it because she is too feminine, while Xiao Tangjun's is just right, not feminine, and not too tough.

Xiao Tang glared at the woman before. He had never been humiliated like this before, and he blamed himself for being careless for a moment, allowing these people to take advantage of them. When he thought of himself like this, Su Ruo's face floated in his mind, and his heart began to tug. Tight, that Xiang Yang and Xiang Ming must be together, Xiang Yang is not here now,
(End of this chapter)

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