Remarry my wife

Chapter 260 Heartache like a twist

Chapter 260 Heartache like a twist (5)

Su Ruo thought that Xiao Tang would show a flustered expression no matter what, but he didn't say anything, he still went his own way, she only heard her heart shattered, and tears welled up in her eyes, she didn't hesitate anymore, turned around, and ran out ...

How embarrassing is this situation for her!
She didn't know how long she had been running, but when she stopped tired, she was already at the seaside, and the sky was still gloomy and gloomy, as if it was about to collapse, so close to her heart at this moment!

Hate, anger, she only had these two feelings in her heart, why did she lie to her, why did she lie to her feelings, a moment ago she was talking about wanting to grow old with her, but now she is already rolling on other women, if Xiangyang didn't say it , she might really be stuck in Guli forever, and she foolishly thought that Xiang Ming was just a poor girl in shipwreck...

What now?All this now is enough to break her down. She really doesn't understand, she really doesn't understand why a man can only tell lies, which are so beautiful, but do dirty things behind her back!
Why is she so stupid, she clearly knows how promiscuous Xiao Tang's past is, she clearly knows what it means to change the country easily, and the nature is hard to change, but she foolishly believes it.

Touching her aching stomach, what should she and the child do in the future?What should she and her child do?

The sea wind blew up huge waves, one by one rushed towards the beach, a woman in white stood like a stone sculpture for a long time...

in the study.

After Su Ruo ran out, Xiang Yang knocked Xiao Tang unconscious on the ground with a knife in his hand.

Xiang Ming was putting on her clothes expressionlessly, and she said coldly, "That woman should be sad enough, right? Look at that stupid look, you know she's easy to deceive."

After getting dressed, Xiang Ming was about to go out, but Xiang Yang grabbed her.

"What are you going to do?" Xiang Yang asked coldly.

"Of course it's to fulfill the employer's request. The child in that woman's stomach is still alive." Xiang Ming frowned.

"I'm really sorry, Xiao Ming, the plan has changed." Xiang Yang smiled.

(End of this chapter)

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