Remarry my wife

Chapter 261 Heartache like a twist

Chapter 261 Heartache like a twist (6)

Xiang Ming looked puzzled at Xiang Yang who was smiling unfathomably in front of him.

"I took a big order, and my goal is to get Su Ruo to leave me voluntarily, on the premise that everything is safe for her and the child, do you understand what I mean?" Xiang Yang smiled.

"You are not sent by my elder brother to help me at all. You are competing with me for business. You Xiangyang." Xiang Ming was angry. It only makes Su Ruo sad, but taking her away safely is just against her. Her employer has always emphasized that the woman must not keep the child!

"Xiao Ming, thank you for your help." Xiang Ming laughed aloud, the mission was so easy to complete this time.

"You accepted Zheng Yuan's order, didn't you?" Before Xiang Ming came, her employer told her that she was going to blame Zheng Yuan for this matter. She played the piano yesterday just to divert Xiao Tang's attention. Everything was blamed on Zheng Yuan.

"Yes, but you received the order from Su Jiao. I have investigated the order this time, so I can take advantage of it so easily. You can sleep with that man!" After Xiang Yang finished speaking, he raised his hand and slashed at On Xiang Ming's neck, Xiang Ming passed out with a look of unwillingness.

Looking at the woman on the ground, Xiang Yang laughed a few times, and said softly: "Don't be so complacent in the future, this time I will let you know what it means that there are people outside the sky and people outside the sky."

Xiang Ming and Xiao Tang were tied up in separate places, and Xiang Yang was ready to go out to find Su Ruo. Now he just needs to find a way to take Su Ruo away. When the time comes, he will hand it over to Mr. Zheng, and the task will be completed. A perfect full stop!

Xiang Yang left the villa and looked at the gloomy weather. It will rain heavily soon. As long as it rains, it should clear up soon.

He didn't know why, but his heart was a little heavy. He walked towards the sea step by step, and saw a white figure in the distance. The wind seemed to be able to blow away that white figure at any time. He knew it was Su Ruo. .

He walked towards her, and suddenly felt a little uncomfortable in his heart. Thinking of the woman's heartbroken look just now, no matter who saw it, he felt worried. Although he is a killer, he also has feelings!
(End of this chapter)

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