Remarry my wife

Chapter 262 Sunny Heart

Chapter 262 Sunny Heart (1)

Su Ruo stood by the sea for a long time, and when the waves hit her feet, she came back to her senses, reached out and touched her cheeks, the tears on her face had already been dried, her heart slowly recovered from the pain just now, What happened just now was so sudden that she didn't even have time to think, so she ran out.

But what can she think about? She has seen it with her own eyes. Thinking of the recent events, she is confused. She doesn't understand why the man kept saying that he loves her a moment ago, but now he puts other women under him.

is she stupidYes, she is stupid, as long as she encounters love, she will easily lose herself. She cares so much about this relationship and Xiao Tang, that's why she gets hurt so deeply every time.

Why don't you chase her out and give her an explanation?Even if she lied to her, she still felt that it was better than now, so what's the point of not saying anything?She is not reconciled, very unwilling.

Reaching out to touch her stomach, the scene in the hotel flashed across her mind, superimposed with the picture in the study just now, her stomach hurts, but her heart hurts even more, she wants to go back, go back and ask to understand, if It's true that he is not the only one to her, then she would rather leave him, what she wants is the only one, isn't the relationship between the two just about each other?Why do you want to insert others, she can't bear it, she learned to forget the past things, but she really can't bear such a naked betrayal today, she has to make it clear to him, as for leaving, she has to settle everything, she doesn't want to Go on living like this.

Taking a few deep breaths, Su Ruo turned around, after such a long time, Xiao Tang should have time to talk to herself.

As soon as she turned her head, she saw a silent man behind her. Su Ruo was startled, and at first glance, it was Xiang Yang with a sullen face.

"Go back, your shoes are all wet." Xiang Yang said, he stood behind her for quite a while.

"What are you doing here?" Seeing Xiang Yang, Su Ruo's attitude has changed from before. The siblings have only been together for more than a day, and her life has turned upside down.

"Su Ruo, come with me!" Xiang Yang opened his mouth and said.

Su Ruo looked at Xiang Yang in puzzlement.

Xiang Yang frowned, and said: "Zheng Yuan is very ill, he misses you very much, and the child in your belly may belong to him, you should go back and see him!"

(End of this chapter)

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