Remarry my wife

Chapter 263 Sunny Heart

Chapter 263 Sunny Heart (2)

"Who are you?" Su Ruo was stunned when Xiang Yang mentioned Zheng Yuan.

"I'm Zheng Yuan's friend." Xiang Yang smiled wryly. He looked at Su Ruo with complicated eyes. He and Zheng Yuan have known each other for a long time, and he still has a secret in his heart that he rarely sees. Zheng Yuan, but the last time he heard that he was seriously ill, he rushed back without stopping. After hearing what Zheng Yuan said about this, he was very jealous, but he didn't want Zheng Yuan to live in such pain every day.

Coincidentally, he heard a brother in his organization tell him about Xiang Ming's mission. He heard Su Ruo's name, so he went to inquire about it. If he didn't inquire, he didn't know. To kill the child in Su Ruo's stomach.

He knew about Zheng Yuan and Su Ruo, and knew that the child might belong to Zheng Yuan.

Yes, he has always loved Zheng Yuan deeply, but he dared not tell anyone about this shameless love, let alone tell Zheng Yuan, because he knew that as long as he said it, he would never be able to be with Zheng Yuan again. Same as before, although it was a long time before we met each other, but every time was very happy.

Later, he experienced many things, and slowly figured it out, as long as Zheng Yuan is happy, he sees it, but he still cares about Zheng Yuan's affairs, so after knowing Xiang Ming's plan, he secretly followed Only then did the front one come out.

He originally planned to let Su Ruo leave sadly according to Xiang Ming's plan, and then he took Su Ruo to find Zheng Yuan, but after seeing the scene of Su Ruo just now, although he also hated Su Ruo for taking Zheng Yuan's heart Gone, but seeing her heartbroken appearance, he really couldn't stand it.

He thinks that he is not a qualified killer, because he is emotional, and the killer should not be affectionate. He thinks that he should wash his hands, or he will be killed by his own emotions sooner or later.

"Then what happened just now?" Su Ruo was a little silly, what the hell is going on!
"What happened just now is what you saw, your husband betrayed you." Xiang Yang shrugged.

"I don't believe it, I'm going to ask." Su Ruo already felt that something was wrong, she was too impulsive just now, and didn't think about it carefully.

(End of this chapter)

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