Remarry my wife

Chapter 272 Love Fool

Chapter 272 Love Fool (5)

It is agreed that they will be together for the rest of their lives, and no one is allowed to go back on their word.

Seeing that Su Ruo didn't shed any more tears, Zheng Yuan didn't know what to say, so he had to quietly accompany her.

His wish is very simple, as long as Su Ruo can be by his side every day, he can see Su Ruo at any time, such a small wish, he hopes that God can fulfill him.

The room was very quiet. Su Ruo was tired from crying. After closing her eyes, she fell into a deep sleep...

And Zheng Yuan, who was sitting beside him, kept his movements like that, looking at Su Ruo tenderly, after a long, long time...

In Zheng Yuan's villa, every minute is a torment for Su Ruo, time flies so slowly, she cherishes herself every day, and waits for news from Xiao Tang every day.

There was no news from Xiao Tang, Su Ruo called Xiao's house, but the housekeeper said that Xiao Tang had never been back, she was dumbfounded when she heard it.

If Zheng Yuan hadn't been comforting her all the time, Su Ruozheng would have been so worried that she would have gone crazy.

After waiting for a few days, there was still no news from Xiao Tang. Su Ruo couldn't wait any longer. She wanted to go back to the private island, but was stopped by Zheng Yuan.

Su Ruo became a little angry, and she said angrily: "Zheng Yuan, is it because you have been hiding things about me, Xiao Tang, that you want to imprison me and keep me by your side, don't you?"

Seeing that Su Ruo is rarely aggressive, Zheng Yuan shook his head anxiously. He really didn't do this. Although he had this idea in his heart, he didn't really put it into action. He didn't want to force Su Ruo. Su Ruo's painful words , he will be more painful than him.

Both his brother and A Yang said he was stupid, and that love should be selfish, but he really couldn't be selfish, Su Ruo was such a simple person, how could he have the heart to hurt her, he would not base his happiness on Above the pain of others, he would rather suffer himself if he wanted to suffer!
"Then tell me, why is there no news at all?" Su Ruo was really anxious, she was in Zheng Yuan's place now, and she had no way of understanding what happened outside.

"Ayang really didn't get Xiao Tang's information, and I can't help it. I didn't mean to hide it from you." Zheng Yuan said anxiously, fearing that Su Ruo might misunderstand.

(End of this chapter)

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