Remarry my wife

Chapter 273 Love Fool

Chapter 273 Love Fool (6)

Seeing Zheng Yuan's aggrieved face, her pale face became even paler, she regretted her aggressiveness just now, she was just too anxious, just about to apologize, suddenly a figure flashed in front of her, blocking her before.

Su Ruo saw that it was Xiang Yang who looked angry, and was shocked by his skill.

"Are you enough? It's because of you that Ah Yuan has become what he is today. He treats you so well. Look at what you have said to him. Do you know that he silently takes care of you every day? He is also sick, you don't need to like him, but please don't say such things to him!" Xiang Yang was very angry, he had seen the scene just now, he thought Su Ruo was a good-tempered person, Unexpectedly, it was nothing more than that, he let out a sigh of relief, and regardless of Zheng Yuan holding him back to prevent him from speaking, he continued: "I told you directly, Xiao Tang was taken away by someone, and there is no whereabouts yet. It's very clear, don't force A Yuan like this, he doesn't want to make you sad more than anyone else! You are selfish, so don't think that everyone is as selfish as you!"

After Xiang Yang finished speaking, Su Ruo stood there in a daze. She didn't speak. Although Xiang Yang's words were extreme, she couldn't say anything. It is true that Zheng Yuan was really kind to her. She was too much just now, but no matter who it is, she will Have such an idea!She was wrong, but she didn't feel selfish, she couldn't respond to Zheng Yuan's feelings at all, so how could she be selfish!
"Ah Yang, stop talking." Seeing Xiang Yang's aggressive face, Zheng Yuan was afraid that he would frighten Su Ruo, so he hurriedly pulled him away.

"Zheng Yuan, you are such a fool. If you treat her so well, she won't appreciate you." Seeing that Zheng Yuan kept trying to push him away, Xiang Yang was really angry. He really couldn't stand it, he had never seen such a Silly man!

But thinking about it, he might not be much better!

"Ah Yang, that's enough. I just want Ruo Ruo to be happy, and the rest doesn't matter." Seeing that Xiang Yang became more excited as he spoke, Zheng Yuan scolded angrily.

"It's useless for me to worry, I'm also a fool, I'll go, I'll just go!" After Xiang Yang finished speaking, he turned his head and didn't go back.

After leaving the room, Xiang Yang felt the pain in his heart and he couldn't breathe. What's so good about that woman? No matter how good her heart is, she puts her heart on Xiao Tang, and she won't even look at Zheng Yuan, Zheng Yuan, you idiot !

(End of this chapter)

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