Remarry my wife

Chapter 275 Inside the Door and Outside the Door

Chapter 275 Inside the Door and Outside the Door (1)

After almost a week, Su Ruo had lost the temper to wait any longer. She couldn't sleep or eat every day, she couldn't even eat, and she lost a lot of weight.

Zheng Yuan was always by her side. If she didn't speak, he would just accompany her silently. Sometimes the two of them would be in a daze all day long.

one afternoon.

"Take me back to Xiao's house, I will feel even more uncomfortable here." Su Ruo said to Zheng Yuan.

"No, before Xiao Tang comes to pick you up, I won't let you stay alone." Zheng Yuan refused without thinking.

If Su Ruo is on fire, if she continues to wait like this, at least give her a little bit of information whenever she wants to wait.

Seeing that Su Ruo's face was not good-looking, Zheng Yuan didn't say anything, but just sat aside with his eyes half closed. If Su Ruo wanted to get angry, he would just bear it silently.

But Su Ruo didn't say anything, she turned and walked out the door.

"Where are you going?" Zheng Yuan quickly reacted, got up and followed.

"I want to be alone and go to the beach for a walk." Su Ruo said, turned and left.

Zheng Yuan froze in place, Su Ruo's heart would never go in, her attitude was so clear, even a little ambiguous feeling was stingy for him, he couldn't help but wry smile, unrequited love is a very painful thing , knowing that there may be no results, but if you keep pursuing blindly, only those who have really experienced it will understand that he doesn't care what others say about him, as long as he thinks it's worth it.

Su Ruo walked quietly to the seaside alone, she chose a quiet corner to sit, looking at the blue sea, how much she wished that there would be a boat on the sea, with Xiao Tang standing at the bow smiling at her.

The feeling of longing is so unforgettable, Xiao Tang, when will you pick her up?
Su Ruo has been having nightmares recently. The old dream is that Xiao Tang is standing in front of her covered in blood. He keeps calling for help. She can only watch helplessly. There is nothing she can do. Every time she wakes up in terror .

It was ten days after Su Ruo got the news that Zheng Yuan came to look for her with a serious face.

(End of this chapter)

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