Remarry my wife

Chapter 276 Inside the Door and Outside the Door

Chapter 276 Inside the Door and Outside the Door (2)

"Ruoruo, I'll take you to see Xiao Tang." Zheng Yuan's voice was not loud, but it was a big surprise to Su Ruo's ears, and a smile finally appeared on her face that had been depressed for a long time.

"Really?" After the excitement, seeing Zheng Yuan standing quietly, she was afraid that it was coaxing her.

"It's true, the plane is ready, we can go see Xiao Tang later." Zheng Yuan showed a pale smile, he really didn't want to let her go, but seeing her depressed every day, I was really afraid Something happened to her, so be it, as long as she is happy!
When Su Ruo and Zheng Yuan's car stopped at the Central Hospital, Su Ruo froze.

"How is Ah Tang?" Su Ruo never expected that she would meet Xiao Tang again in the hospital.

"It's fine now." Zheng Yuan replied with a complicated expression on his face.

"What the hell happened?"

Zheng Yuan told the truth. In fact, he found Xiao Tang on the 4th day after Su Ruo left. He didn't know what happened. Xiao Tang fell into the sea and was rescued. He was unconscious all the time. Su Ruo was worried, so she kept hiding it from her. Xiao Tang just woke up two days ago.

After knowing that Su Ruo was fine, Xiao Tang breathed a sigh of relief. His body was scratched by the reef in many places. He was afraid that Su Ruo would be worried, and he also knew that Zheng Yuan would not do anything to Su Ruo, so he let Zheng Yuan hide it from Su Ruo for a few days. , want to feel better and see Su Ruo again.

But after staying for a few days, he couldn't bear it any longer. He heard Zheng Yuan say that Su Ruo's life was not good, and he wanted to see her, and strongly wanted to see her.

Zheng Yuan didn't say anything, just kept doing it silently, Xiang Yang scolded him time and time again for being stupid, for handing over the woman he finally found, but he really couldn't see that Su Ruo was stuck in longing every day, like a flower Like a withered rose, it hurt his heart to see it.

Seeing that Su Ruo couldn't wait to get out of the car, Zheng Yuan couldn't hide his sadness. He knew that if he sent Su Ruo back to Xiao Tang this time, it might be difficult for him to have a chance to see her.

After entering the ward, Xiao Tang had already cleaned up and waited for Su Ruo to come in.

When he saw Su Ruo appearing at the door of the ward with red eyes looking at him, Xiao Tang showed a smile on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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