Remarry my wife

Chapter 277 Inside the Door and Outside the Door

Chapter 277 Inside the Door and Outside the Door (3)

"Husband..." Seeing the man in hospital clothes with wounds on his face, Su Ruo rushed over quickly.

Xiao Tang opened his hands to welcome Su Ruo into his arms, hugging the softness of his arms, he couldn't help sighing softly, what a little elf, it caused him to miss him for so long, and only separated for a few days, he It feels like years have passed.

Seeing the two people hugging tightly in the room, Zheng Yuan had deep disappointment on his face. He turned and walked out. After walking a few steps, he held on to the wall and coughed violently. He felt as if his chest was about to explode. As if it exploded, his mouth was sweet, and he covered his mouth with his hand, which felt hot and humid. He opened his hand and saw that his palm was red, and he was dumbfounded.

"Ah Yuan..." Xiang Yang, who had been following behind him and never appeared, cried out in horror when he saw the blood red in Zheng Yuan's hand.

Zheng Yuan just frowned, took out a handkerchief from his pocket to wipe it clean, and then smiled at Xiang Yang who was looking anxious: "It's okay!"

"You still say it's all right?" Xiang Yang was dumbfounded.

"It's really all right." Zheng Yuan wiped off the blood, then threw the handkerchief into the trash can beside him, with a calm expression on his face.

"You...I'll take you to see a doctor." Seeing that Zheng Yuan was fine, Xiang Yang became agitated, and reached out to take him to a doctor.

Zheng Yuan frowned and shook his head. Although he didn't want to go, Xiang Yang firmly pulled him towards the outpatient clinic. He couldn't break free, so he had to let him pull...

While Zheng Yuan was checking, Xiang Yang called Zheng Yuan.

Zheng Yuan was dumbfounded when he heard that, Zheng Yuan's mother died of lung cancer, and his maternal grandmother also died of this disease, now it won't be Zheng Yuan's turn, right?He panicked all over, and then told Xiangyang to go to the hospital immediately...

Compared with Zheng Yuan's bleakness, there was a scene in the ward that made people blush and heartbeat.

Xiao Tang hugged Su Ruo, and the two kissed all the way to the bed, making people enviable.

"Honey, I'm sorry." After the two parted, Xiao Tang gasped and said, stretching out his hand to touch Su Ruo's face tenderly.

"As long as you're fine, you're right." Su Ruo had tears in her eyes, the feeling of being reunited was better than anything else, seeing the many scars on Xiao Tang's face, she was really distressed and worried.

(End of this chapter)

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