Remarry my wife

Chapter 278 Inside the Door and Outside the Door

Chapter 278 Inside the Door and Outside the Door (4)

"As long as you're fine, you're right." Su Ruo had tears in her eyes, the feeling of being reunited was better than anything else, seeing the many scars on Xiao Tang's face, she was really distressed and worried.

"Honey, I really couldn't help myself that day. I feel sick when I think of that woman." After Xiao Tang finished speaking, he left kisses on Su Ruo's face.

"I know, I know, I'm so stupid, I didn't even realize that you were forced." Thinking of what happened that day, she blamed herself.

"Fool, you are so sad because you love me, and you don't have the time to think about it. I am really useless. I feel ashamed of myself for being calculated so easily." Calculating, he felt ashamed. A dignified president of the Xiao family, who became famous so easily and was rescued by his love rival, made his wife feel more and more uncomfortable.

"As long as you are safe, how could you get hurt?" Su Ruo cautiously stretched out her hand to touch Xiao Tang's injured face.

Being touched by the wound, Xiao Tang frowned slightly, and Su Ruo quickly stretched out her hand.

Xiao Tang smiled, hugged Su Ruo, and then talked about what happened a few days ago. After being taken away by the killer organization, in the middle of the way, Ah Hao brought someone to rescue him. Whoever planted a bomb on the boat, everyone had to jump into the sea to protect themselves, so he was injured.

Listening to Xiao Tang's calmness, Su Ruo felt sweaty all over, hugging Xiao Tang, now she knows how to cherish it even more.

Xiao Tang's hand touched Su Ruo's belly, he smiled lightly and said, "Why is it still so flat, why doesn't our baby grow up quickly."

Su Ruo patted his hand, she was only two months pregnant, how could it be so fast!

"Honey, I don't want to give you a comfortable life. I'm so happy to see that you're okay." The two looked at each other, and after a while Xiao Tang sighed. He felt very tired, no matter how hard he worked before. He has never felt tired, but the current love does make him feel a little tired. He has to worry about Su Ruo every day. Although she is by his side, he is worried about the long and the short. There is always a lot to worry about. It is really a sweet burden.

Su Ruo lay quietly beside Xiao Tang, she could understand Xiao Tang's words, this man would also be tired, she knew, she always knew!

(End of this chapter)

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