Remarry my wife

Chapter 279 Inside the Door and Outside the Door

Chapter 279 Inside the Door and Outside the Door (5)

"I'm so sleepy, let's sleep together, okay?" Xiao Tang said to Su Ruo.

Su Ruoen snuggled into his arms and found a comfortable position to lie down.

Xiao Tang fell asleep in a short while, but Su Ruo kept her eyes open, she turned to look at Xiao Tang, looked at his tired and tired face, she stepped forward gently, and planted a kiss on his face.

The matter is finally over, she and he will continue to be happy...

After Su Ruo returned to Xiao Tang's side, Zheng Yuan disappeared.

Xiao Tang's condition improved a lot. He didn't like the atmosphere of the hospital, so he went back with Su Ruo.

Su Ruo didn't know how Xiao Tang handled Su Jiao's affairs, Su Chen came to her several times, but was stopped by Xiao Tang.

Su Ruo is not in the mood to ask this matter, Xiao Tang will naturally handle this matter well, he doesn't want her to worry, and naturally he doesn't want her to know how he will deal with Su Jiao.

That's why Su Jiao went so far, Xiao Tang is such a tough person, even if Su Chen came to beg him to let Su Jiao go, Xiao Tang would not be moved, but Su Jiao's matter did not cause a big disturbance Come on, for the sake of the Su family, he didn't take Su Jiao's life, but he would definitely not make her feel better.

Su Jiao knows that Xiao Tang will not let her go, she escaped from City R with the help of her parents, and now she can't even return home, her hatred, seeing that Su Ruo has nothing to do, the hatred in her heart is raging Burning, but life-saving is the most important thing now, and you can hide as long as you can.

Xiao Tang naturally understands the little tricks of the Su family, thinking that it is enough to hide Su Jiao, and his subordinates will find her sooner or later, so don't blame him for being merciless.

Su Jiao's incident was related to the incident of the leaked ** last time, and Xiao Tang had already determined that the culprit was Su Jiao.

Once the matter was resolved, he also breathed a sigh of relief, now he can finally have no burden in his heart, and he doesn't have to worry about Su Ruo getting hurt again!

PS: It's very slow and tangled. In order to ensure the quality, the update speed will be slowed down, and the guarantee is still in ten chapters! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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