Remarry my wife

Chapter 281 Midnight Lingering

Chapter 281 Midnight Lingering (3)

The two kissed tenderly, and after a while, there were bursts of moaning and heavy breathing in the room, enchanting the whole room...

The sun, which had not completely set outside, also set shyly.

The two lingered all night, and after Su Ruo called to stop again and again, Xiao Tang finally stopped.

Looking at the clock on the bed, it was already late.

Looking at the moistened woman under him, Xiao Tang stretched out his strong arms and put them under her head, looking at her with tenderness, no matter how he looked at him, he found her beautiful and sexy.

Su Ruo lay lazily, even though Xiao Tang was serving her just now, she still felt very tired.

"Wife, you are so pretty!" Xiao Tang stretched out his hand and gently touched Su Ruo's face, sighing.

Su Ruo heard it sweetly in her heart. She looked at the handsome man. He was equally handsome. I don't know if he married her just now, and the man became more handsome and sexy.

The two of them just looked at each other quietly, the atmosphere was so warm that there was no sound.

After a long time, Xiao Tang stroked Su Ruo's hair and said, "Ruoruo, my mother is coming back from abroad to visit us."

Su Ruoben was a little sleepy, but this news refreshed her slightly. She met Xiao Tang's mother once when she got married, and the only thing she felt was that she had a very good temperament, and she didn't have much impression of others.

Su Ruo didn't know about it before, but today Xiao Tang opened up his heart and told her about his life experience.

Maybe all rich families are like this, Xiao Tang's father also has many women, and men are like this when they are rich, Xiao Tang's mother is just a woman Xiao Tang's father took care of, Xiao Tang can be said to be an illegitimate child.

Xiao Tang's mother is a very temperamental and highly educated woman, and she doesn't know why she became Xiao Tang's father's mistress. She should also be reluctant, so Xiao Tang gave birth to her, and she didn't have any feelings. Don't want to have a child for Xiao Tang's father.

When Xiao Tang was very young, she was educated to be so cold. Although her mother didn't love him, she taught him very well. Now Xiao Tang can become what he is today, half of which is due to his help. Mother.

Later, after Xiao Tang succeeded in inheriting the Xiao family, her mother went abroad alone. Xiao Tang's father had many women, so naturally he would not be interested in Xiao Tang's half-mature mother, so her mother I have been living abroad alone.

(End of this chapter)

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