Remarry my wife

Chapter 282 Mother-in-law is here

Chapter 282 Mother-in-law is here (1)

Later, after Xiao Tang succeeded in inheriting the Xiao family, her mother went abroad alone. Xiao Tang's father had many women, so naturally he would not be interested in Xiao Tang's half-mature mother, so her mother I have been living abroad alone.

Although Xiao Tang didn't have a good relationship with his mother, he still loved her in his heart and wanted to take her back to take care of her elderly, but she refused. The reason why she came back this time was because Su Ruo had a child.

After hearing what Xiao Tang said, Su Ruo fell silent. She didn't know that Xiao Tang's childhood was also unsatisfactory. She always thought that he was a prince who was held in the palm of one's hand. Unexpectedly, he grew up under the strict teaching of his mother. big.

"Honey, my mother will be more strict. If you have any unpleasantness with you, don't take it to heart, you know? But I think you are so easy-going, so you definitely won't, haha..." After receiving the call from his mother, Xiao Tang Xuan couldn't help worrying that his mother was so strict and difficult to get close to, he was afraid that Su Ruo would not be able to bear it.

"Don't worry, no matter how strict she is with me, I won't say anything more. After all, she is my mother-in-law, your mother, and she will do everything for your own good." Su Ruo said thoughtfully.

"Having a wife like this, what more can a husband ask for!" Xiao Tang sighed, and the hand stroking Su Ruo's hair became more and more gentle.

"Hehe..." Su Ruo smiled happily.

She thought that no matter how strict Xiao Tang's mother was, she would not exceed her limit, but after getting along with her, she realized that she was really naive.

The two chatted for a while, then made out with each other before falling asleep in their arms.

Xiao Tang's face was full of satisfaction, this night really made him so happy, his whole body was comfortable, he fell asleep with his eyes closed...

When he woke up the next day, Xiao Tang's face was rosy and full of energy, and he looked completely different from yesterday.

After he was in a good mood, he would always put on a smile wherever he went, unlike the usual cold look except in front of Su Ruo.

When Xiao Tong woke up, Su Ruo was still sleeping, he looked at her deeply for a long time, he was really anxious last night, he wanted her so many times, he must have tired her out!

(End of this chapter)

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