Remarry my wife

Chapter 283 Mother-in-law is here

Chapter 283 Mother-in-law is here (2)

He lowered his head and planted a lingering kiss on her lips.

Su Ruo was woken up by Xiao Tang's kiss.

"My princess, are you awake?" Xiao Tang smiled.

Su Ruo blinked her eyes before she could see the man in front of her clearly. She felt so tired, her back was sore, last night was really enough for her.

"The princes in fairy tales are all awakened by the princess's kiss." Xiao Tang laughed.

"Idiot, the princess was woken up by the prince's kiss." Although Su Ruo was a little confused when she woke up, she heard this.

"I thought you hadn't woken up, so I can hear it, my princess, you are so smart." After Xiao Tang finished speaking, he kissed Su Ruo's face again.

"Make me happy, you." Seeing the smirk on Xiao Tang's face, Su Ruo smiled and stretched herself.

"My dear wife, my mother arrives at the airport at noon, we are going to pick her up together." Xiao Tang hugged Su Ruo's waist and said.

"Understood, my husband, you told me many times last night." Su Ruo looked back and smiled.

"Really? I said it many times last night?" Xiao Tang looked confused, did you?
"Yeah, your memory is really bad. Get up quickly. You said that your mother is very strict, and there must be a standard in dressing and dressing. I have to tidy myself up." Su Ruo was ready to get out of bed after finishing speaking.

"'s still early, wife, let's make out for a while longer." Seeing that Su Ruo was about to get up, Xiao Tang pinned her down and began to behave irregularly again.

"Come on, don't want to, I'm very tired." Su Ruo evaded, although Xiao Tang is very gentle, but it can't be helped, she doesn't want to walk with trembling legs today.

"Honey, do you dislike me?" Xiao Tang pretended to cry.

Su Ruo is a little helpless, maybe recently he has been acting like a baby a few times and promised him things, but recently he has been getting worse, as long as she doesn't agree to something, he will use the trick of acting like a baby, every time she can't bear to refuse.

It's not surprising that a man acts like a baby when he's in a relationship, but what's strange is that a cold-looking person like Xiao Tang can also act like a baby. If someone outside sees it, his jaw will definitely drop.

"Husband, stop making trouble, I'm very tired." Seeing that Xiao Tang has been messing with her all the time, Su Ruo had a helpless expression on her face.

(End of this chapter)

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