Chapter 30

And her mother is also very indifferent to her, she always blames her why she is not a boy, so that she can get more love from her father, she sometimes looks at her jealous mother and she feels very sad, a woman loves a man , but it is one of many women in a man, what a terrible thing!She has made up her mind since she was a child that she will never be a woman like her mother, but looking at herself now, she is worse than her mother, she is really pathetic!

Now, she can finally get out of this predicament completely, and start over, how great it is!Now that I have explained everything clearly, I am not afraid of Xiao Tang's reaction, how comfortable it is!Why was she so stupid and trapped herself in the past!
"Goodbye, thank you for letting me know how to live. If you figure it out, you can send the divorce certificate to Chen Xiaoyan's villa at any time. I wish you a smooth life in the future!" Su Ruo turned her head and smiled at Xiao Tang. The second time was a smile from the heart, never once could she smile so easily, it turned out that it was so easy to let go of someone, as if a big rock in her heart had been removed, and it became smoother!
Fascinated by Su Ruo's smiling face, Xiao Tang let go of his hand unconsciously, allowing the woman to turn around and leave with a smile. It's the first time in his life that he was dumped by a woman. He can't tell what he feels in his heart. Anyway, it's very uncomfortable. The reason should be that he was dumped by a woman, right? Divorce?This word will not appear in his dictionary in the future, and he does not believe that someone who marries him will still divorce him, so even after he is married, he still lives the life he used to care about, changing women as hard as changing clothes, as long as a little Where he felt uncomfortable, he just took a sum of money to send it away. It has always been so smooth... Unexpectedly, today, that damned woman told him to divorce, so easy to want to divorce, no way!
After regaining consciousness, he immediately pressed the inside line and asked the housekeeper to catch up with the leaving woman.

The housekeeper was waiting at the door, seeing the young mistress walking out with a big smile in a wet mess, he said hello and called the young mistress, who knew that the young mistress turned around and said to him, "I am no longer the young mistress of the Xiao family." ', and then left without looking back, which made him stunned.

(End of this chapter)

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