Chapter 31

After Su Ruo came out of the villa, her body was wet. It was almost autumn, and it was cool at night. The villa was built on the mountain. When the cool wind blew, she sneezed. Heavy, feeling more and more heavy, making her top-heavy and a little unsteady when she walks.

Not long after, a group of people chased after her and blocked her way. She was a little puzzled.

"Young Mistress, Master, please go back!" The butler said to Su Ruo respectfully.

"Is there anything else?" Su Ruo frowned, she was very uncomfortable now, and now she seemed to be entangled by Xiao Tang again, she was about to faint.

"Young master has something to do, young mistress, please go back! It's easy to catch cold in this weather, and there is no car to go down the mountain now, and you will definitely not be able to reach it after walking for an hour, and the mountain road is always unsafe." The housekeeper persuaded, Looking at the posture of the young mistress and the young master, it must be a quarrel, but he was really a little surprised. He has never seen the young master and the young mistress sharing a meal at the same table, and there are very few of them. They have no communication with each other. It is more accurate to say that they are strangers, it is really puzzling!

The butler is right. She is now halfway up the mountain. Although there are many rich people's villas nearby, they are strangers to each other. Besides, it is so late, and no one will give her a ride. It's bright, but it's still a very unsafe and terrifying thing. She was in a hurry when she came out just now, and she didn't think it through.

Seeing the wavering expression of the young mistress, the housekeeper hurriedly said: "Young mistress, even if you have to leave, wait until tomorrow, don't be in a hurry for a few hours... Young mistress, what's wrong with you?"

Su Ruo felt her eyes darkened, and she almost couldn't stand still, but luckily the housekeeper supported her.

"It's a little uncomfortable!" Su Ruo felt that she was going to pass out as the alcohol was still there.

"Hurry up and help the young lady go back to rest!" Seeing Su Ruo's strange behavior, the butler hurriedly called the servant beside him to help Su Ruo go back.

Su Ruoben wanted to say something, but felt that her eyelids were too heavy, and with someone supporting her, her eyes slowly closed...

Seeing that Su Ruo didn't know whether she fell asleep or passed out, the servants hurriedly carried Su Ruo back to the villa...

(End of this chapter)

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