Chapter 32

Just as Xiao Tang changed into his bathrobe and went downstairs, he frowned when he saw the servant half-embracing and half-supporting Su Ruo in.

"Master, Young Mistress, she..."

"Help her back to the room, help her change clothes, and then call the doctor to have a look." Xiao Tang interrupted the housekeeper, glanced at Su Ruo, and then ordered with a blank expression.

The butler hurriedly ordered the servant to do it.

Seeing them leave, Xiao Tang asked the servant to make ginseng tea, and then followed the housekeeper and the others up...

When the maid was helping Su Ruo change clothes, Xiao Tang stood by and watched. The woman's peach-like skin dazzled him a little. This was the first time he had seen a woman's body. He had long forgotten it because he was drunk, and sometimes he couldn't figure out why he didn't want to look at Su Ruo, ignoring her again and again, maybe it proved the old saying, home-cooked food is nothing new, only wild food outside is delicious .

After changing his clothes, the doctor also came. The doctor checked him rigorously, and found nothing serious. He caught a little cold. Fortunately, he drank too much alcohol. He put Su Ruo on a drip and left.

Xiao Tang sat on the sofa beside him, lit a cigar, and thought about things while smoking, what should he do with this woman?
After sitting for a while, the butler came in with a phone.

"Master..." Xiao Tang was lost in thought, and the housekeeper called out several times.

Xiao Tang came back to his senses, frowned and looked at the housekeeper.

"Miss Lin's phone call, saying I need you!" The butler replied.

"Tell her I have something I can't answer, let's go out!" Xiao Tang waved his hand, this Lin Xia'er really annoyed him a bit, it seems that he has to change his female partner!

The butler withdrew.

Xiao Tang looked at the night outside the window, then at the woman on the bed, got up, left the room, and walked to his bedroom...

When Su Ruo woke up, it was already the next day, the sunlight outside the window came in through the slits in the curtains, sprinkled on the floor, making the whole room colorful.

My head hurts, my lips are chapped, and it's very uncomfortable.

Su Ruo pressed her temples and sat up. When she saw the magnificence of the room, she was stunned. What happened last night?
(End of this chapter)

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