Remarry my wife

Chapter 33 Mother's Persecution

Chapter 33 Mother's Persecution (1)

Looking down at the bathrobe she was wearing, she frowned tightly, the memory of last night recovered little by little, did she go back to Xiao's house?Xiao Tang forced her to take her home!
Quickly got out of bed, walked to the door, just opened the door, the servants waiting outside greeted her, and called young mistress respectfully in unison.

"Ma'am, please wash up and eat!" A maid said respectfully.

"Where's Xiao Tang?" Su Ruo asked with a frown.

"The young master is waiting for you to eat downstairs!"

As soon as Su Ruo heard this, she wanted to go downstairs, but when she looked down and saw the bathrobe she was wearing, she quickly entered the room, after washing, she went to her previous dressing room to change, and then went downstairs go.

When I walked to the stairs, I saw a man sitting at the dining table reading a newspaper while eating. He was dressed in beige casual clothes and looked handsome.

Su Ruo didn't want to pay attention to him, and walked straight out of the gate, she was going to leave this place, being taken away by Xiao Tang like that last night, Chen Xiaoyan and the others must be worried to death.

"Don't be in a hurry, your parents are coming over today." Xiao Tang said coldly without raising his head.

When Su Ruo heard that her parents were coming, her heart tightened. She hadn't seen her parents for a long time. It's been a long time!She has only met her father a few times since she married into the Xiao family. She never saw her father even if she wanted to. Her mother blamed her since she was a child. She has no choice but to see her as a broom star. She understands that her parents came here today to discuss marriage. , she will not have any good fruit to eat.

Thinking of this, she hated Xiao Tang a little bit, and wanted to leave this place even more, but she was stopped by someone before she reached the gate.

"I didn't let you go, so you just stay here obediently." Xiao Tang put down the newspaper, with a trace of anger on Jun's face, he hates others to resist him, especially women who don't listen to him.

"It seems that President Xiao really doesn't want to divorce me, even my parents have called here." Su Ruo turned around and spoke to Xiao Tang in such a mocking manner for the first time. Love has turned into nothingness.

"I don't think you're sensible enough, let your parents decide for you!" Xiao Tang's expression didn't change, and he remained calm: "Let's eat first, it's uncomfortable to talk later when you're hungry."

(End of this chapter)

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