Remarry my wife

Chapter 300 A Daughter-in-law Is Really Difficult To Be

Chapter 300 A Daughter-in-law Is Really Difficult To Be (3)

Xiao Tang looked at Chen Zi who was opposite, and was slightly taken aback, then smiled lightly, picked up a pair of chopsticks and put the food in Chen Zi's bowl: "Hurry up and eat!"

"You don't care about others at all." Chen Zi snorted lightly.

Just as Xiao Tang was about to speak, Chen Zihan spoke first: "I have something to talk about after dinner."

Chen Zihan's words made Chen Zi shut up obediently, lowered her head and began to eat the food in the bowl with a sad face.

Su Ruo saw it, and frowned slightly. A woman's intuition told her that something was wrong, but she told herself not to think too much, thinking too much would be bad for everyone. She thought about it simply, She thinks that Xiao Tang will help her solve all the things, and now she is very dependent on him.

The dinner was spent in such an atmosphere. After dinner, dessert and fruit were served, and the whole family gathered around and chatted.

Chen Zihan asked a lot about the current affairs of the Xiao family and Xiao Tang's career, Xiao Tang kept asking and answering, Chen Zi occasionally interrupted, and Su Ruo just sat beside her with a faint smile, not knowing how to speak, she She is a person who is not very talkative, and even less able to speak. She knows this shortcoming, but it is difficult to correct it since she was a child.

"Brother Ah Tong, when will you take me out to play? I haven't returned to China for many years." Chen Zi asked excitedly.

Xiao Tang was still a bit grumpy about what happened in the afternoon, so he replied: "When I have time, I will accompany you out to play, and if I don't have time, let others take you out to play."

"Are you busy?" Chen Zi was upset when she heard that, how could she treat her like this.

"Well, now the company has a big business, and I need to supervise it myself." Xiao Tang lied and didn't even blush.

"A man should focus on his career. If he can spare time, he will accompany Xiaozi. It's rare to come back once." Chen Zihan took it, and then looked at Su Ruo: "Su Ruo, I have to go out occasionally. If you don't have time, you can Let Xiaozi accompany you."

"Okay, mother-in-law." Su Ruo was always in a state of high tension, and when Chen Zihan mentioned her, she quickly took over the conversation.

"I'm tired, I'm going back to my room to rest, you young people, continue talking!" Chen Zihan got up after speaking, walked away with his head held high.

(End of this chapter)

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