Remarry my wife

Chapter 301 A Daughter-in-law Is Really Difficult To Be

Chapter 301 A Daughter-in-law Is Really Difficult To Be (4)

Seeing her mother-in-law's high profile and seeing her disappear at the top of the stairs, Su Ruo just felt that the stone in her heart fell to the ground, and her whole body felt a little weak.

Xiao Tang must have felt it, he quickly moved over and hugged Su Ruo, then raised his head and smiled at her.

Su Ruo was a little embarrassed, knowing that Xiao Tang had already thought of her own, she leaned her head in his arms.

Chen Zi, who was sitting opposite, saw the feeling in her heart. Seeing the intimacy between Xiao Tang and Su Ruo, she had the urge to go up and pull the two of them away.

"Brother Ah Tong, sister-in-law Su Ruo, be careful that I'm still here!" Chen Zi said loudly, with dissatisfaction in her voice.

When Su Ruo heard this, she felt sorry and wanted to push Xiao Tang away, but Xiao Tang didn't intend to let her go at all, but said to Chen Zi: "Xiaozi, you've been on the plane for a day, go back and rest quickly, Let's talk about it tomorrow."

"But, I have a lot to say now." Chen Zi pouted.

"Aren't you always staying at Xiao's house from now on? There are many opportunities to say, don't worry. Right now, your sister-in-law is not feeling well. I'll take her back to her room to rest." After Xiao Tang finished speaking, he helped Su Ruo get up.

Su Ruo's face was depressed, when did she say that she was not feeling well.

"Honey, let's go back to the room, the baby is important." Xiao Tang said to him dotingly, and then turned to Chen Zi: "Xiao Zi has gone back to the room."

Before Chen Zi could speak, Xiao Tang supported Su Ruo and walked away, leaving Chen Zi alone to stamp her feet.

After returning to the room with Su Ruo, Xiao Tang quickly closed the door.

"Honey, why do you feel like you're running away?" Su Ruo said with a frown.

"Hey, no, I want to live a two-person world with you sooner, am I excited!" Xiao Tangzi laughed.

Seeing that Xiao Tang had returned to the same way as last night, Su Ruo's heart began to beat suddenly, she wouldn't come to pester her again, her body couldn't bear it.

"Honey, let's go to the mandarin duck bath!" Xiao Tang laughed and didn't listen to Su Ruo's words, so he picked her up and walked to the bathroom. What happened was similar to last night, and the two were lingering all night again... …

After finishing the work, Xiao Tang supported his head and looked at Su Ruo.

"Honey, I'm really sorry for making you wronged." Xiao Tang said with a frown.

(End of this chapter)

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