Remarry my wife

Chapter 303 A Daughter-in-law Is Really Difficult To Be

Chapter 303 A Daughter-in-law Is Really Difficult To Be (6)

"Brother, I've only walked so far. Mom didn't say anything, what's so tiring." Chen Zi on the side took the conversation, and she also saw that Su Ruo's face was not very good-looking, but she just wanted to embarrass her she.

"Are you tired?" Chen Zihan looked at Su Ruo.

"Not tired, not tired." Su Ruo said hastily.

"Why aren't you tired? Look, your face is a little pale." Xiao Tang reprimanded slightly, his face was obviously pale, and he said that he was not tired. Fortunately, he followed, otherwise Su Ruo had been holding back , I don't know how serious the consequences will be!
Chen Zihan looked at Su Ruo's pale face, her brows were frowned, and her voice was full of dissatisfaction: "You are not feeling well, why didn't you say it? You have to think about the child in your belly even if you don't think about yourself. A child of the Xiao family!"

"I'm sorry, I just..." Su Ruo covered her stomach in the middle of speaking, and her stomach hurt more and more.

"Wife, are you okay? Xiaozi, go and call the doctor." Xiao was in a hurry and didn't say anything.He quickly picked up Su Ruo and ran to the villa.

"Husband, I have nothing to do." Su Ruo felt sorry to see Xiao Tang worried like this.

"You silly woman, your forehead is sweating, and you still say it's okay. Didn't I say that, do you want to tell me anything, what will you do when something happens?" Xiao Tang said while running fast.

Hearing Xiao Tang's panting voice, Su Ruo felt sad, why would something happen every time she was with her mother-in-law!She didn't want to spoil her mother-in-law's mood when she went to the garden, but she really felt wronged when she saw her mother-in-law scolding her like that just now. She loves her child more than anyone else, and she doesn't want anything to happen to her child than anyone else. She just wants to be a It's just a good daughter-in-law, why is it so difficult!She was really sad, and her stomach hurt, her eyes were red.

Xiao Tang quickly returned to the living room with Su Ruo in his arms, and Chen Zi followed behind him.

Seeing Chen Zi standing still, Xiao Tang got a little angry, and shouted at her: "Didn't I tell you to go to the doctor? Go!"

Chen Zi was stunned by Xiao Tang's yelling, she had never seen Xiao Tang so angry, she felt wronged: "Brother Ah Tang, I don't know where to find a doctor."

(End of this chapter)

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