Remarry my wife

Chapter 304 A Daughter-in-law Is Really Difficult To Be

Chapter 304 A Daughter-in-law Is Really Difficult To Be (7)

Seeing Chen Zi said with an aggrieved face, Xiao Tong just came back to his senses, Chen Zi just came to Xiao's house, how could he know where the doctor is, he was just too anxious, so he treated Chen Zi as a servant!

"Housekeeper, hurry to find a doctor." Xiao Tang shouted loudly to the side.

The butler and others hurried over, and then asked someone to go to the doctor.

Xiao Tang hugged Su Ruo and quickly ran to the room. Su Ruo had been quietly nestling in his arms with a pale face. Seeing the man worrying about her like this, she felt distressed and happy. Someone can do this What else is she dissatisfied with about herself!

Xiao Tang ran again because of his anxiety, his sweat dripped down his neck onto Su Ruo's face, Su Ruo's eyes were full of emotion.

After putting Su Ruo on the bed, Xiao Tang wiped his face, squatted beside Su Ruo, and held her hand nervously.

"It's all right, the doctor will be here soon." Xiao Tang comforted, he could make Su Ruo very painful.

"Well, it's fine." Su Ruo said reluctantly, not wanting to worry Xiao Tang.

Seeing that the woman didn't want to make him worry, Xiao Tang just felt more and more distressed.

The doctor came over soon, dismissed everyone, and began to check Su Ruo.

Xiao Tang exited the room and waited outside the door. Chen Zihan also stood beside him frowning and said nothing. What's the matter? This happened after just a short walk. It really made her nervous.

Xiao Tang has been pacing outside, never feeling so nervous in his heart, time passed by little by little, and when the doctor came out, he felt as if centuries had passed.

"What's the matter?" Seeing the doctor come out, Xiao Tang quickly stepped forward and shouted.

"Young master, it's all right now, Madam just got gas in her fetus." The doctor replied.

"Why did the tire move? Is it because of the long walk today?" Xiao Tang asked anxiously.

"This..." The doctor hesitated to speak.

"Why are you talking about it?" Chen Zihan beside him was in a hurry.

"Young Master and Madam should have intercourse in moderation in the future, Madam is now pregnant and her body cannot withstand prolonged tossing." The doctor said with a frown.

(End of this chapter)

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