Remarry my wife

Chapter 305 A Daughter-in-law Is Really Difficult To Be

Chapter 305 A Daughter-in-law Is Really Difficult To Be (8)

Xiao Tang was dumbfounded when he heard that, Chen Zihan frowned too, and Chen Zi felt embarrassed.

"I see." Xiao Tang had an embarrassing expression on his face, it was all his fault, his dissatisfaction with desire, he plundered Su Ruo's energy like this every day, it turned out that the culprit was himself, it really shouldn't be.

"Remember to take a reasonable rest and go out for a walk more..." The doctor said some things to pay attention to, and then left with the nurse beside him.

After the doctor left, Xiao Tang stood there in embarrassment, he was too embarrassed to go to see his mother and Chen Zi: "Mom, I'll go in and see Ruoruo."

"Ah, you are young and strong, mom understands, but you have to think about your child, you know?" Chen Zihan shook her head, she didn't know what to say to her son, she just said that young people nowadays are irresponsible Well, I have children, and I'm so impulsive!

"I understand. Since Mom has nothing to do, you and Xiaozi can go to rest first, and I'll go and have a look." After Xiao Tang finished speaking, he walked into the room quickly, heaving a sigh of relief.

Su Ruo was lying on the bed and resting with her eyes closed at the moment, her complexion was much better than before, and there was no pain, only tiredness remained.

Remembering that it was his own fault, Xiao Tang felt very guilty, he sat on the side of the bed, stretched out his hand to touch Su Ruonen's pale face.

Su Ruo opened her eyes slightly, and seeing that it was Xiao Tang, she smiled softly at him.

"My wife, I'm sorry, it's all my fault. I shouldn't have come to pester you at night regardless of your body." Xiao Tang apologized, he was satisfied, but his wife suffered.

"Why do you say that?" Su Ruo's voice was tired.

"The child's fetal gas is because I pester you too often at night." Xiao Tang sighed lightly.

When Su Ruo heard it, she was stunned for a while, and then chuckled, so it was like this!It seems that Xiao Tang will not pester her all night long in the future.

"Hey, I won't dare again in the future!" He should continue to be his ascetic monk, so as not to make his wife suffer for him later.

With a smile on her face, Su Ruo reached out and took Xiao Tang's hand.

The two looked at each other, eyes that only the two could understand, love, deep down, unable to extricate themselves...

(End of this chapter)

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