Remarry my wife

Chapter 309 He hates me

Chapter 309 He hates me (1)

Looking at the calm-faced woman sleeping on the bed, Chen Zi frowned and kept frowning.

What's so good about Su Ruo, isn't it that she's pretty? Go ignore her.

They are brothers and sisters in name, but they are not related by blood!

Su Ruo, Su Ruo, it's all her. After she appeared, Xiao Tang would never be intimate with her again. The two incidents were all because of Su Ruo, which caused Xiao Tang to lose his temper at her. If Su Ruo didn't If so, how wonderful it would be!
Chen Zi walked towards Su Ruo step by step, and when she was about to reach the bed, Su Ruo slowly opened her eyes.

Su Ruo just fell asleep and was still half asleep. When Chen Zi came in, she could feel the hatred in her eyes even in her dreams. She felt that someone was watching her, making her unable to sleep no matter what. Go, when she opened her eyes, she really saw a person standing in front of her, Su Ruo was slightly taken aback.

But when she saw that it was Chen Zi, Su Ruo breathed a sigh of relief, she sat up with some difficulty, with a smile on her face: "Xiao Zi, why are you here?"

Chen Zi looked at the soft woman in front of her, she felt disgusted, she frowned and didn't speak.

Su Ruo blinked her eyes, and her eyes became clearer. When she saw Chen Zi's big red eyes and wet tears hanging on her face, she was a little stunned, and then carefully asked: "Xiaozi, what's wrong? Who is it?" Bullied you?"

Chen Zi blinked, opened her mouth, and finally made a sound, her voice was a little hoarse: "Sister-in-law, I'm sorry just now, I shouldn't be so vexatious, please forgive me!"

After hearing Chen Zi's apology to herself, and looking at the way she cried, Su Ruo felt a little sorry: "Sister-in-law didn't blame you, why are you crying?"

"I...I know I did something wrong just now. Brother A Tang said he hates me, but I really want to talk to Brother A Tang, but he ignores me and says I treat you badly. I just... I'm sorry, Sister-in-law..." Chen Zi said halfway, tears streaming down again, as long as she thought of Xiao Tang's attitude just now, she felt very uncomfortable.

"Ah? Ah Tang is definitely just talking, don't take it to heart, you are his sister, and it's too late for him to love you, so how could he blame you!" Su Ruo hurriedly comforted.

(End of this chapter)

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