Remarry my wife

Chapter 310 He hates me

Chapter 310 He hates me (2)

"Really? But Brother Ah Tang ignored me, I'm so sad." Chen Zi's big eyes were full of tears.

"He won't ignore you. He is very busy recently. You must have misunderstood."


"Hey, it's okay, I'll talk to Ah Tang later, don't cry, girls aren't pretty when they cry." Su Ruo softly comforted, seeing Chen Zi's tears, even she felt pity, what a cute and youthful little girl girls!
"Really? Will Brother Ah Tang talk to me?"

"Yes, of course, you are brothers and sisters, silly girl." Su Ruo smiled, Xiao Tang lost his temper with Chen Zi because of the incident just now, right? Oh, this man!Really impulsive, just said that Chen Zi is as ignorant as a child, just say no a few times, how could she teach her a lesson, she is really not a good brother!

"Sister-in-law, you are so kind." Chen Zi sat by the bed.

"Hehe...don't cry, girls need to smile more to be beautiful." Su Ruo stretched out her hand to help Chen Zi wipe away her tears.

The corners of Chen Zi's mouth curled up, revealing a smile.

"Yes, you should smile more, don't cry, your eyes are swollen, it's true, Ah Tang." Su Ruo blamed.

"Brother is right. I was the one who made trouble for no reason just now. It's just that I haven't seen Brother Ah Tang for several years. I have a lot to say to him, so I'm in a hurry."

Su Ruo nodded, expressing her understanding. It is true that the two siblings should have a lot to say after being separated for so many years.

"Sister-in-law, have you forgiven me?" Chen Zi looked pitiful.

"Of course, you didn't do anything wrong. Ah Tang was impulsive. Wait for sister-in-law to help you teach your brother a good lesson." Su Ruo smiled.

"Yes." Chen Zi nodded vigorously.

The two sat and chatted, Chen Zi talked a little about Xiao Tang's past, and most of the time was listening to Su Ruo talking about Xiao Tang's things, she had been listening very carefully, she really wanted to know Xiao Tang's past few years. How is life going, she really wants to talk to him, but now she is listening to Su Ruo talking about her and Xiao Tang with a sweet face.

She was very uncomfortable, but she still listened quietly with a smile on her face.

When Xiao Tang came in, he saw Su Ruo and Chen Zi sitting on the bed chatting.

(End of this chapter)

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