Remarry my wife

Chapter 314 His Mother

Chapter 314 His Mother (3)

I can have whatever I want, but you are so strict with me, asking me to do this and that, some of which I don’t like, but after I grow up, I understand that you do so much because you want me to be more successful , Mom, thank you so much for nurturing me for so many years, otherwise I wouldn't be the person I am now. "

Hearing what Xiao Tang said, Chen Zihan's solemn heart slowly relaxed. She didn't expect his son to say this, thinking that he always blamed her. When he was young, Xiao Tang's temper was cold, which made people uncomfortable Getting along, half of it is because of her own hands, a person must be ruthless if he wants to succeed, in fact, he knows that he longs for maternal love, but she doesn't know how to give it, and she doesn't know whether to tell the secret of more than 30 years Come out, maybe just let this secret take her into the coffin.

"Mom, no matter how successful I am, I'm still your child. I always take your kindness to me into my heart." Xiao Tang said seriously.

"Ah..." Chen Zihan was really moved, his eyes were slightly red.

Xiao Tang pursed his lips tightly, he didn't know how to express it, his mother's appearance reminded him of many years, and the last trace of blame in his heart finally disappeared.

"Ah Tiao, the Xiao family will be yours in the future. If Su has a child, you must educate him well, and you must not destroy this family." Chen Zihan said seriously.

"I will." Educating children is naturally his top priority.

"I really hope that the child Su Ruo gave birth to is a boy, so that I can settle my mind." Chen Zihan got up, and then walked to the cabinet.

Xiao Tang frowned slightly, it's the same for boys and girls, but his mother's thinking is still in the past, she always thinks that having a son is the most useful, and he doesn't want to bother about this sentence.

Seeing his mother coming over with a black box, he was slightly curious.

"This is for Su Ruo. It was reported by the family that she is safe. I was going to give it directly just now. Since Su Ruo is resting, you can give it to her." Chen Zihan handed the box to Xiao Tang.

Xiao Tang took it, opened it, and found a jade bracelet inside, with green light all over, and the texture was very good, and it was very valuable at first glance.

"Let Su Ruo take good care of it, take it with you every day, and report it's safe, Su Ruo is a pretty good kid, but..." Chen Zihan stopped in the middle of speaking.

(End of this chapter)

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