Remarry my wife

Chapter 315 His Mother

Chapter 315 His Mother (4)

"But what?" Xiao Tang was a little worried.

"It's nothing, I'm just afraid that when she has a child, she won't be able to educate her. A loving mother is a loser, so you must remember this sentence." Chen Zihan shook his head.

Xiao Tang raised his eyebrows, he now understood his mother's worry, so it was this!

"Mom, I will educate him well, don't worry." Although he admitted that his mother educated him very successfully, he knew the pain in his heart. He would never raise his children like this. There are many ways to raise children.

"That's good, Ah Tang, Mom trusts you." Looking at the handsome Xiao Tang standing in front of her, who is half a head taller than herself, Chen Zihan was really happy, educating Xiao Tang was the most glorious thing she did in her life : "Okay, mom is tired, you go out, I have a rest."

"Well, good, you have a good rest." After Xiao Tang finished speaking, he glanced at his mother and walked out.

After closing the door, Xiao Tang didn't leave right away. After a while, there was a violent coughing sound in the room, and he frowned. He wondered if his mother had been to the doctor. How could he suffer from such a cough? I just wanted to raise my hand to knock on the door, but after thinking about it, I finally put it down, turned around and left...

Xiao Tong went back to the room, Su Ruo was still sleeping, he just played with the jade bracelet in the box when he was bored.

Thinking about what her mother said, as well as this family heirloom, it seems that she has already recognized Su Ruo as a daughter-in-law, so it will be good, and there will be less trouble in the future.

If Chen Zi could understand her feelings, then he really hoped that his mother would stay in Xiao's house so that he could spend her old age with her well.

Thinking of Chen Zi, he was still slightly upset. This little girl didn't know what was in her head, she even confused family and love, which made him how to deal with this matter in the future!

It would be a good idea to let her know how to start a family and start a business. When he has time, he will go to his mother to discuss it.

Seeing that it was almost dinner time, Su Ruo didn't necessarily wake up, thinking she was too tired, Xiao Tang didn't wake her up either.

(End of this chapter)

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