Remarry my wife

Chapter 316 His Mother

Chapter 316 His Mother (5)

After putting the box on the bedside table, he got up and walked out of the room.

In the evening, he should spend more time with his mother for dinner. After all, he is always with Su Ruo. Thinking of what Chen Zi said, the influence is a bit bad. He is afraid that his mother will also use this matter as an issue. He is afraid of being annoying, so he might as well Now pay his mother for dinner, and then come to accompany Su Ruo.

While thinking, I went to the restaurant.

Chen Zihan had already been prepared to show up, and had just rested for over an hour. Seeing the spirit on her face, she wondered if she had rested well.

After the two were seated, Chen Zihan raised his eyebrows and looked at Chen Zi's position: "Little Zi, why haven't you come today?"

"Butler, where's Miss?" Xiao Tang frowned and turned to ask the butler.

"Miss has been in the room." The butler replied.

"Then you go ask Miss to have dinner." Xiao Tang ordered.

"I've knocked on the door several times, and the lady ignored me." The housekeeper looked helpless.

Chen Zihan frowned: "It's really outrageous."

"Mom, I'll go find Xiaozi, don't be angry." Xiao Tang got up, and then walked to Chen Zi's room on the second floor. This little girl is so difficult, he doesn't even know how to deal with it Well, this kind of thing is the trickiest.

When he came to the door of the room, Xiao Tang knocked on the door, but there was no response from inside.

"Xiao Zi, open the door!" Xiao Tang increased his hand strength, knocking on the door while calling.

Still no response.

"Xiao Zi, are you asleep? If you don't open the door again, I'll ask the housekeeper to bring the key." After knocking for a while, Xiao Tang got a little impatient.

Seeing that there was still no response, he was about to find the butler to open the door, when the door opened slowly.

Xiao Tang turned around, and when he saw Chen Zi with messy hair and red eyes, looking at him only in pajamas, he was startled.

"Xiao Zi, what's wrong with you?" Xiao Tang walked over and pushed open the door.

"It's nothing, I just woke up." Chen Zi straightened her hair and said.

Xiao Tang frowned, looked around the room, saw traces of sleeping on the bed, and then retracted his eyes: "Let's eat, don't keep Mom waiting for too long!"

"Oh, I'll come out as soon as I change my clothes." Chen Zi replied with a hoarse voice.

(End of this chapter)

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