Remarry my wife

317 Chapter 1 Making it up

317 Chapter 1 Making it up ([-])

"Well, hurry up." Xiao Tang retreated after finishing speaking. He knew that Chen Zi's appearance was because of crying. He was really helpless. Impossible things are impossible, and he will not let her continue to lose direction.

Hearing the sound of the door closing behind him, Xiao Tang stayed for a while, thought about it and left.

After returning to the dining table, Chen Zi walked over after a while, wearing a pair of black-rimmed glasses.

"Xiaozi, what did you do?" Chen Zihan asked with a frown. What he hates the most is people who are not punctual.

"Mom, I overslept just now." Chen Zi lowered her head and said.

"The voice is so hoarse, what's wrong?" Chen Zihan was puzzled.

"It's nothing, maybe I caught a cold just now." Chen Zi shook her head.

"Let's eat." Xiao Tang said.

The three began to eat quietly, each with their own concerns.

After a meal, Chen Zihan asked Xiao Tang to stay to talk about family affairs, Xiao Tang was worried that Su Ruo would wake up, and after talking to his mother, he left.

Seeing Xiao Tang's leaving figure, Chen Zi frowned tightly.

"Xiao Zi, why do you feel so strange after you come back?" Chen Zihan turned to look at his adopted daughter and asked.

"No, Mom." Chen Zi shook her head.

"That's good." Chen Zihan nodded, got up and wanted to leave.

"Mom, I have something to tell you." Chen Zi stopped Chen Zihan who was about to get up.

Chen Zihan sat down: "What's the matter?"

"I want to talk to you about brother and sister-in-law." Chen Zi said.

"it is good."

"My brother is very kind to my sister-in-law, but my sister-in-law is too scheming. She is obviously in good health. I think she can talk and laugh, but she won't come down to eat with us, because she doesn't care about you and me. Is it here?" Chen Zi said dissatisfied.

"What do children know? Doctors say your sister-in-law can't go to the ground." Chen Zihan also frowned slightly after hearing what Chen Zi said.

"The doctor must have colluded with sister-in-law. Mom, you see, sister-in-law will have an accident as soon as she comes back. What's the matter if she doesn't see you usually, really!"

"Okay, isn't it just a matter of eating? What are you talking about! I'm going back." Chen Zihan looked at his adopted daughter, only feeling uncomfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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