Remarry my wife

319 Chapter 3 Making it up

319 Chapter 3 Making it up ([-])

Sure enough, no matter how soft Xiao Tang's voice was, he still surprised Su Ruo.

"What are you thinking about?" Sitting next to Su Ruo, Xiao Tang asked with a smile.

"It's nothing, just lost my mind for a while." Su Ruo smiled. She was thinking whether she should go downstairs to have dinner with them, but as soon as she got off the ground, she felt pain in her abdomen, so she had no choice but to go back to bed again.

"Hehe..." Xiao Tang smiled, suddenly remembered the box next to the bedside table, quickly reached for it, and then handed it to Su Ruo: "Look at this thing."

Su Ruo took the exquisite box in surprise, and then opened it carefully. When she saw the green jade bracelet inside, she saw a look of love.

"Do you like it?" Xiao Tang asked with a smile, Su Ruo's expression had already told him.

"It's beautiful, did you buy it?" Su Ruo picked up the bracelet and looked at it carefully.

"Take it up and have a look."

Su Ruo put the bracelet on her wrist, the size was right, it was cold and very comfortable.

"Mom gave it to you. She said it will keep you safe, as long as you like it." Xiao Tang raised Su Ruobai's hand and said.

"Mother-in-law gave it?" Su Ruo was a little surprised, and a little moved in her heart, that her mother-in-law actually gave her something. Does this mean that she doesn't hate herself?

"Yeah, this is a family heirloom, you must keep it well, and then give it to our child's daughter-in-law, and pass it down from generation to generation." Xiao Tang thought it was funny whenever his son married a wife in the future, At that time, he and Su Ruo would be old too!
"That's for sure, it's really beautiful." Su Ruo played with the jade bracelet in her hand. Not only was she happy that the jade bracelet was beautiful, but the most important thing was her mother-in-law's approval. This thing is a family treasure, which means that her mother-in-law has approved of her daughter-in-law The status is great!In the future, she won't have to worry about this problem all the time.

"I saw you so happy with just a bracelet, but I bought those diamonds for you and never saw you so happy?" Xiao Tang shook his head helplessly.

"It's different." Su Ruo took it happily.

"What's different?"

"It's just different, I'm so happy."

Looking at the satisfied smile on Su Ruo's face, his woman, he is so satisfied with such a little thing, hey!
(End of this chapter)

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