Remarry my wife

Chapter 320 Losing His Temper Again

Chapter 320 Losing His Temper Again (1)

After resting for three or four days, the doctor told Su Ruo that she could go to the ground, but it was difficult for her to move around more.

Hearing this, Su Ruo was very happy, she was always lying on the bed, her bones were brittle, and now she was eager to get off the ground.

Seeing that the doctor said that he could go to the ground, and seeing Su Ruo's happy face, Xiao Tang smiled and said she was a fool.

Su Ruo also felt that she was quite stupid, if Xiao Tang hadn't been with her all the time these few days, she would have been really bored.

Among them, Chen Zi came to her once or twice, but each time Xiao Tang's appearance interrupted the communication between the two of them.

Xiao Tang's mother also came to see her once, she had no expression on her face, and said some homely things to her, only talked for a while, maybe she was tired, and left.

Because of the bracelet, Su Ruo no longer felt too much burden in her heart, even talking to Chen Zihan was a lot easier, and after talking alone, her heart was even more relaxed, her mother-in-law was actually kind to her, Although she always felt that there were many children in her belly who loved her, she was already satisfied with this.

"Husband, can I meet Xiaoyan and the others?" Su Ruo suggested, after she came back, she had a few words with her sisters on the phone, and they hadn't met each other yet.

"'s ok, can I arrange it for you in the future? Wait for you to rest for a few more days." Xiao Tang frowned slightly. He didn't have any objections, but if his mother saw someone like Chen Xiaoyan, She must be very opposed to it, she looks down on a prostitute like Chen Xiaoyan, who dresses up like a vixen, he should let Su Ruo go out to meet them, so as not to worry about it!
"Is it inconvenient for them to come?" Su Ruo frowned.

"Wife, mom hates Xiaoyan's type of woman very much, so as not to cause trouble, I will take you out in a few days to relax, and go to Xiaoyan and the others casually, okay?" Xiao Tang said apologetically.

Although Su Ruo was a little disappointed, she understood that Xiao Tang also hated Chen Xiaoyan before, and her mother-in-law would definitely not like to go there. Now that she finally got her mother-in-law's approval, she didn't want to cause disputes because of this matter.

"Honey, I'm so sorry." Seeing the disappointment on Su Ruo's face, he also felt uncomfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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