Remarry my wife

Chapter 334 Introspection

Chapter 334 Introspection (3)

After leaving the door, he called the butler and locked the door.

Chen Zi's cry came from inside. The sound insulation in the room was very good, it was very quiet, and if you didn't listen carefully, you couldn't hear it.

"Housekeeper, take good care of Miss." Xiao Tang ordered to the housekeeper.

Although the butler didn't understand what happened, he nodded quickly.

"If Madam asks, just say I asked for it." Now that there is Chen Zihan at home, he has less freedom in doing things.

The butler nodded.

Xiao Tang looked at the door, then turned and left...

When she returned to the room, Su Ruozheng was frightened, with sweat all over her face, which shocked Xiao Tang.

"Honey, what's the matter?" Xiao Tang hurriedly sat down beside the bed.

Su Ruo couldn't recover, Xiao Tang called out several times before she hugged him sadly.

Xiao Tang gently helped her wipe the sweat, knowing that she had just had a nightmare.

"It's okay, it's just a nightmare." Holding Su Ruo, Xiao Tang comforted softly.

The panic on Su Ruo's face has not faded away, as long as she thinks of the dream just now, her heart is trembling until now, the dream just now was too real, it frightened her to death.

"It's all right..." Xiao Tang kept patting Su Ruo's back lightly to comfort her.

"I dreamed that our child had an accident. His face was covered with blood, and he kept asking me why I didn't want him. I almost..." Thinking of the dream, Su Ruo's voice choked up.

"It's just a dream, don't take it too seriously, it's alright, everything is alright." Xiao Tang also guessed that the dream was related to the child, thinking about it every day and dreaming at night, just like this.

Su Ruo wiped the corners of her eyes, and even cried. The child is her hope for her. She loves this hard-won child so much. Although there are too many criticisms in it, she still loves this child.

Xiao Tang's hug made her feel at ease, as long as he is there, everything will be fine!That's enough, what happened in the morning has made her see the heart clearly, it turns out that my sister-in-law is also like this, looking at her, she is obviously in love with her brother, even a dull person like her can see it, she is so stupid , she is always half a beat slower than others, and she will not know the pain until she wakes up!

Su Ruo also feels speechless for such a self, the days ahead will be full of storms, she must be mentally prepared to meet them!
(End of this chapter)

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